Tsogyal Lhamo Drayang Ling

Annual Temple Symposium

Cosmogenetrix 2024

In-Person Tickets Are Now Sold Out


Each year, the Mt Shasta Goddess Temple hosts an Annual Spring Symposium, Cosmogenetrix.

The theme for 2024 is Ourania: Queen of Stars, with special focus on the goddesses and traditions associated with space, the stars, the planets, and all that is celestial.

Our next gathering will be March 22-24, 2024 with both Online and In-Person attendance options.

Scroll down to see the exciting line-up of presenters and sessions, and to secure your spot!


For those attending In-Person, we will be at the newly-renovated
Dunsmuir Community Center,
4841 Dunsmuir Ave, Dunsmuir, CA 96025
a comfortable ADA-compliant venue just 10 minutes south of Mt Shasta.

This space has a fantastic commercial kitchen, easy entrance (steps or ramp), and ample parking.

We will serve a continental breakfast on Saturday morning and a delicious lunch with options for a variety of dietary needs for lunch. For dinner, we recommend The Wheelhouse, Yak’s on the 5, and Dunsmuir Brewery Works.


Friday, March 22
3:00pm: Doors open

Please wear comfortable clothing for ease of movement and crafting today.


Cosmic Web Knotwork Magic
with Jamie Della

In this knotwork workshop, we will call upon the web of cosmic power that underpins all existence, focusing our intentions through the repetitive motion of braiding. When we tie a magickal knot, we seal a contract with the Universe. We will chant our intentions into our beautiful knotwork charms and make a collective declaration, "By my Will, so Mote it Be!" Protected within our magickal circle, we will each hold a steady mind, concentrating on what we want to create, change, or heal. 


Sun Salutations with Saule
with Loreta Flemingaite

Longtime yoga practitioner and devotee of Saule, the Lithuanian Sun Goddess, Loreta Flemingaite has graciously accepted our invitation to bring her Sun Salutations with Saule workshop to us. We will learn more about this powerful Baltic Queen who journeys across the sky each day and night, and perform Sun Salutations to bring the warmth of the coming Spring into our bodies, minds, and hearts. Please bring a yoga mat or towel to this workshop. Seated modifications will also be offered.


Your Personal Astro Ch*Art
with Yeshe Matthews

Using simple tools and techniques, participants will create a beautiful, framed, copper-stamped version of their astrological charts. Please enter your birth data in your registration so that we can print your chart for you, which you will use as a guide to create your unique celestial artwork. You will learn about the meanings of the houses and planets in your chart as we create our pieces step by step.


Saturday, March 23
9:30am: Doors open

We will start the morning with coffee, tea, fruit juices, and light snacks in the morning session.


Opening Ritual and We Came from the Stars
with Yeshe Matthews

Yeshe will begin our day with a welcoming rite to honor the spirits of the land, our ancestral and spiritual lineages, and our cosmic guides. After that, she will offer a talk about the worship of meteorites as deities in the ancient world. This lecture will cover notable meteorites that were honored as aniconic representations of gods and goddesses, ancient belief systems that proposed that star beings created us, and a brief meditation to connect with our star families.


Nut: Egyptian Goddess of the Night Sky
with Elisa Moondragon

Take a virtual trip to Egypt and discover the beautiful and amazing artwork portraying the Goddess Nut, Goddess of the Night Sky and Mother of Isis! Also known as The Coverer of the Sky, She who Protects, and Mistress of All, Nut is foundational to the ancient Egyptian religion and practice. Seen in temples as a beautiful Star Goddess who covers the world in a background of brilliant blue with stars, she has inspired many to look up at the night sky in wonderment and mystery. In this presentation, you will learn her history and lineage in the Egyptian pantheon, how her influence has been felt in science and astronomy, why she is called the Friend and Protector of the Dead, and why being the Mother of Isis, is the ultimate Mother Goddess.


Morning Star, Northern Crown
with Bri Melitta Nuccio

The legendary Cretan princess Ariadne is memorialized in a small but distinctive constellation: the Corona Borealis, or Northern Crown. In the Argonautica and Phaenomena, Ariadne earned her heavenly place as "darling of the gods," through her husband, "glorious Dionysos," who deifies and sets her wedding crown permanently in the sky. Yet within the historical and mythological record, there are tantalizing clues of Ariadne's more primordial power: echoes of her name in Bronze Age Minoan Crete; divine ancestry as granddaughter of the Sun god Helios; an ancient cult of Ariadne-Aphrodite upon the island of Cyprus. In this lecture, I will explore an independently divine Ariadne: she who is not just princess and wife, but a labyrinthine Goddess who shines as bold and bright as the Morning Star of Venus.


Hathor, Her Musician-Priestesses & the Systrum
with Tahya Love

An exploration of Hathor, the ancient Egyptian goddess known as daughter of the Sun God Ra, Her Musician-Priestesses & their use of the Systrum. Hathor is also associated with star Sirius. The heliacal rising of Sirius, which corresponds with the annual flooding of the Nile, essential to fertilizing crops thus also making Her Goddess of Fertility and Mistress of the River. Hathor’s many epithets also included Mistress of Music and Dance. The systrum was Hathor’s sacred instrument and ritual implement played by musician-priestesses, powerful queens and non-royal women. Presentation includes recitation of a chant found engraved on the walls at the Temple of Hathor at Dendera self-accompanied on two systra.

1pm Lunch

A wonderful vegetarian lunch will be served, included in the price of your registration, with gluten-free options. Please let us know when you register if you have food sensitivities and we will make sure to have something for everyone.


Your Moon Sign as a Portal to the Goddess
with Rayna Templebee

The position of the moon in your natal chart can have many meanings in astrology, but for priestesses, it can be a powerful window into the aspects of the Goddess that speak most directly to you, and through you. We will explore how our moon sign shapes our initial experience as children of the Goddess as well as how it provides a framework for our lifelong path of priestess Work. We will also explore how the phase of the moon on our birthdate shapes our natural goddess power. An accurate time of birth will be very helpful for this workshop but is not absolutely necessary.


Harvesting the Moon's Light: Atabey and La Luna
with Shannon Lugo

An exploration of the ancient spirit Atabey and the sacred energy of La Luna. We will delve into the deep realms of moon magic and its connection to the divine feminine, exploring the intricate relationship between Earth Mother Atabey and the feminine moon's energy that is La Luna. By tapping into the earth, moon, and womb energy, we aim to nurture their creative and fertile potential, honoring Mother Nature and the Taino spiritual tradition.


Cosmic Influences of the Circumpolar Constellations
with Jamie Della

How do the five constellations that circumnavigate Polaris, our North Star (Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Draco, Cassiopeia, and Cepheus) influence our lives? These stars represent five universally known archetypes of the Mother, Child, Dragon, Queen, and King. Cultures from all over the world have recognized the energy of Ursa Major, the “mama bear” constellation, and have referred to Draco by some version of the word dragon. Yet even though we see the same outlines in the sky, there are cultural differences in our interpretations. In the East, the Dragon symbolizes power, strength, and luck. In the West, a dragon represents evil and must be slain. This workshop will discuss the mythology of these archetypes, with a fun quiz to determine which constellation guides your life.


Grounding in the Goddess: Sacred Dance for Gaia
with Kami Musslewhite

After our day of exploration of the farthest reaches of the cosmos with our soul family, we cannot forget why we are alive now: to be here and to be human. To be in form and shake things up, while also co-creating the most beautiful, limitless potentials. There is a very important reason we incarnated now, and that is to be embodied in a form that can co-create beauty. This movement workshop will be a good reminder of how precious our humanness is, how we can honor our beloved body, with a short channeled sound and breathing meditation to anchor us into this Mother we so adore: Gaia. 


Dinner Break

Attendees will be provided with a list of local restaurant suggestions so that we can take a break, nourish ourselves, and have a brief rest before we complete the day with a final ritual.


Spring Equinox Ritual
Our Sisters in the Stars

Beyond this earthly plane, we have many celestial allies who watch over us: the planets, comets, and stars. In this ritual, we will invoke the wisdom and world myths of the Pleiades, the sisters of the star blossom, who have inspired art, legends, and stories worldwide. Balancing the energies of dark and light, of space and time, of past, present, and future, they bring us a blessing and message of peace, unity, and healing for our world. Stepping into the waxing year, we will invite these cosmic voices to uplift and guide their sisters on Earth.


Sunday, March 24
9:00am: Doors Open


Our final session is a delicious breakfast, with time for integration, networking, and a closing circle. Online attendees, bring your coffee and join us - we will include you in the networking share.


Register for Cosmogenetrix 2024

Mandala Members of the Mt Shasta Goddess Temple get a FREE Online Cosmogenetrix ticket and 10% discount on In-Person ticket!


Videos from Previous Cosmogenetrix Events

As part of our Temple’s commitment to making wisdom accessible regardless of a person’s financial status, we make each year’s Cosmogentrix videos available free of charge in June after the event. Your ticket purchase allows us to provide this for those who would not otherwise be able to access the videos.


Cosmogenetrix 2023:
Lion Heart

Click here to watch the video presentations from 2023.

Cosmogenetrix 2022: Illumination

Click here to watch the video presentations from 2022.

Cosmogenetrix 2021:
Woman Medicine

Click here to watch the video presentations from 2021.