Tsogyal Lhamo Drayang Ling

Alchemical Isis

Lapis Philosophorum

From August 9-15, The Mount Shasta Goddess Temple will engage in a 7-day class and pathworking to call upon Isis as Mistress of Magic, as Alchemist, to help us transform energies that are stuck, locked, or trapped in our lives from lead into gold.

Oh wealth-giver, Queen of the gods,
Hermouthis, Lady,
All-powerful Good Fortune,
Greatly renowned Isis, Deo,
Highest discoverer of all life,
Manifold miracles were your care that you might bring livelihood to Mankind and morality to all;
And you taught customs that justice might in some measure prevail;
You gave skills that life might be comfortable,
And you discovered the blossoms that produce edible vegetation.
Because of you heaven and the whole earth have their being;
And the gusts of the winds and the sun with its sweet light.
By your power the channels of Nile are filled, every one,
At the harvest season and its most turbulent water is poured on the whole Land, that produce may be unfailing.

-From the Hymn to Isis by Isidorus, ca. 96 BCE

August 9-15, 2025
Classes will take place online
Daily at 6pm Pacific, 9pm Eastern

Both live and recorded. Recordings will be loaded right away so that participants who cannot attend live can watch the videos when they are available.

Every day for 7 days during our devotional week we will:

  • study the iconic stories of Isis, including her parentage, her marriage to Osiris, her role as mother to Horus, her power of heka, and her role as Goddess of 10,000 Names;

  • learn about the 7 essential alchemical processes for the transformation of lead into gold: Calcination, Dissolution, Separation, Conjunction, Fermentation, Distillation, and Coagulation;

  • take deep dives with meditations and personal rituals to connect with Isis and her power to create change;

  • build and expand a working shrine for Isis over the course of the week, compose prayers to her, and create talismans in her honor;

  • work honestly with open hearts on the sensitive areas in our lives where we have been stuck, either knowingly or unknowingly, and welcome these aspects of our lives into the process of death and rebirth;

  • study historic Temples and shrines of Isis, the march of her worship across the ancient world, and learn about how Isis gradually went from being a throne protector of the Pharaoh to one of the most popular Goddesses of all time.

Praise to you, Isis, the Great One,
The mother of Horus, Lady of Heaven,
Mistress and Queen of the gods.

-From a hymn in hieroglyphs on the rear wall of the temple of Isis from Philae – ca 300 BCE

Late August is after the Dog Star Sopdet/Sirius has risen, after the traditional mid-August date of the Graeco-Roman lychnapsia, or lamp-lighting birthday festival in honor of Isis, and the Wafa El-Nil festival, where a clay votive of the goddess would be submerged in the Nile. This is a season of Isian mysteries, the time when she rises, is purified, spreads her wings, and potentiates her power. We can honor her mythic journey, study the lessons in her stories, connect with her alchemical wisdom, and create positive change for ourselves and our lives. If this class calls to you, please register and join us, live or on replay, for a week of magic, devotion, and transformation.

The Instructor

Yeshe Meryemana Matthews is Mandala Priestess & Sibyl of Tsogyal Lhamo Drayang Ling, the Mt Shasta Goddess Temple. She is avowed and ordained in several different Mystery Traditions, including Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism, plant and spirit shamanism, Ifa, Mayan Cosmology, and Goddess Spirituality. She is an oracle and guide who has dedicated her life to helping women potentiate their power.

Yeshe has been an ordained Priestess of Isis in the Temple of Isis since 2014, dedicated to Isis of 10,000 Names. She went on a pilgrimage to Egypt in 2023 and will share photos from her journey and information she learned while she was there.

With a Master's degree in Women's History from Sarah Lawrence College, Yeshe has studied women's mysticism and matriarchal communities for over twenty years and teaches in the Temple’s Priestess and Sibyl Training programs. She co-owns, with her beloved husband Albert, The Sacred Well metaphysical shop where she offers Intuitive Readings, Ancestor Guidance Sessions, Sibyl Sessions, and more.

Lapis Philosophorum Isis Class
from $49.00

August 9-15, 2025
6pm Pacific/9pm Eastern Daily
7 Online Classes, 60 minutes each
Live and Recorded
$49 Class Only
$149 Class Plus Supplies

When you register for this class, you are welcome to choose either the Class Only option for $49, or else you can choose the $149 option which includes the Class Plus a package of Supplies:

  • Novena candle with image of Isis by Devanna Wolf

  • Devotional altar images with photos from Temples in Egypt

  • Isis, Great of Magic Oil from Egypt

  • Brass ankh for your altar

  • Lapis Lazuli talisman stone

  • Clay to use in creating a votive sculpture

  • Oracle deck for use in the class

  • Shipping and handling

IMPORTANT: The Supply Kit option will only be available to those who register before Aug 1, or until supplies are gone.

Click and add your choice to your Shopping Cart, then scroll up to the top of the page and click the Shopping Cart to check out.