Tsogyal Lhamo Drayang Ling

Weret Hekau

Isis Priestess Training

Great of Magic

9 Monthly Training Sessions, Jan-Sept 2025
Optional 1-on-1 personal coaching
Optional Vows Retreat in California, Oct 2025
Optional Pilgrimage to Egypt, Nov 2025

Immerse yourself in the sacred and become a Priestess in the House of Light, the Iseum of Isis, Nekhbet, and Wadjet in the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple. Priestesses in the House of Light walk the path of spiritual mysticism and magical esoterica in the lineages of Lady Olivia Durdin-Robertson (founder of the Fellowship of Isis) and Lady Loreon Vigne (founder of Isis Oasis Sanctuary.) Our study will take us through a profound series of personal lessons and transformations as we engage with the vulture, desert, Nile, cobra, lotus, papyrus, and Lady of 10,000 Names.


In Weret Hekau, students will explore the history and myths of Nekhbet, Wadjet, and Isis, gaining perspective on ancient and modern devotion, revealing what’s been hidden within themselves, and unfurling the power of these ancient goddesses in their lives. Nekhbet, the vulture mother of Upper Egypt, and Wadjet, the cobra mother of Lower Egypt, symbolize protection, regeneration, and divine sovereignty. Through a combination of historical study and spiritual practice, this training illuminates sacred knowledge, aiding Priestesses on the path of spiritual transformation. By embracing devotion to Isis of 10,000 Names, you will:

  • tap into the inner plane of timeless wisdom that is your birthright

  • find your unique expression of divine service as a Priestess of Isis

  • recognize the deeply ingrained universal and cosmic patterns inherent in all world mythologies

  • attune to a cosmological paradigm that supports coherence in your devotion to all of the spirits, guides, ancestors, or deities you serve

Your classes will offer a rich exploration of ancient Egyptian history and myths, emphasizing the reality and symbolism of the Nile, the desert, and sacred theriomorphic beings. You will study texts, hymns, and stories that reveal how these goddesses were honored in temples and rituals across Egypt, and ways in which you can bring them to life in your practice.

In addition to theoretical and historical knowledge, the program includes hands-on exercises, such as creating devotional altars, performing traditional invocations, and engaging in creative and ceremonial projects designed to bring you into direct communion with Nekhbet, Wadjet, and Isis. These practices will help you build profound relationships with the goddesses, allowing you to experience their guidance and protection firsthand.

When the training culminates, you will be initiated as a Priestess in the House of Light, an Iseum (Temple of Isis) within the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple. This initiation represents the full integration of the spiritual and magical teachings received throughout the course, and the commitment to serve Isis. As ordained Priestesses, students will be empowered to lead ceremonies, conduct rituals, and embody the mysteries of Isis and her sister goddesses in their lives and communities. You will step forward as beacons of ancient wisdom, rooted in the lineages of ancestresses Lady Olivia Durdin-Robertson (founder of the Fellowship of Isis) and Lady Loreon Vigne (founder of Isis Oasis Sanctuary).

Become an Oracular Priestess of Isis

Classes include the study of several different divination and psychic modalities used in the Temples of Isis, Nekhbet, and Wadjet, and our optional trip to Egypt includes the possibility of a visit to the remote Siwa Oasis, one of the most important Egyptian Oracles.

Cultivate Magical Skills

Isis is called Weret Hekau, or” Great of Magic.” In our classes and in your optional one-on-one sessions, we will work on developing your personal gifts as well as introducing you to ritual and ceremonial activities that originate with the alchemical masters of ancient Egypt.

Call Upon Guardian Protectors

The Vulture Mother devours and recycles energies that do not serve your highest good. The Cobra Mother helps your transform into ever-ascending versions of yourself. These fierce and loving Goddesses serve what is pure, true, and good within you, and empower you.


Enter the Temple of Isis

This course offers you something whole, holy, and magical. When you join this course, for 9 months you will immerse yourself in the oasis of Isis and her wisdom ways.

Tuition for this class is $249, which includes:

  • 9 Live and recorded classes on Zoom

  • 9 PDF slide decks. These lessons recap the in-depth information shared in the class, with history, hieroglyphs, magical formulary, exercises, and homework assignments to help you awaken as a Priestess of Isis

  • Each student receives a one-on-one final consultation with the course instructor, Priestess Yeshe Meryemana Matthews Robles, to help you discover your personal approach to working with Isis, Nekhbet, and Wadjet, and to offer oracular and magical practice guidance.

Enhance your experience with:

  • Additional sessions scheduled as desired (each additional session is a separate fee, and students may choose the duration of the session)

  • Graduates have the option of taking their Priestess Vows in October online or in-person during the Isis Oasis Convocation in October 2025

  • For those who sign up to join the Priestess Awakening Tour to Egypt offered by the Temple in November 2025, this class is free of charge!

Class Dates and Themes

January 26
Epithets of Isis
Solar Female Energy
What it means to be a Priestess in the House of Light, dedicated to Isis of 10,000 Names
The threshold between scholarship & seership
The Lotus
Creating a classical offering ceremony at your shrine

February 23 
Vulture Mother of Upper Egypt
El-Kāb & Nekhen
The cartouche and the power of naming 
Naqada culture
Griffon vultures
Performing the Rotting Ritual

March 30
Nekhbet and the vulture headdress 
White Atef/Hedjet Crown
Funerary practices
The Shen ring
Making an Herbal Manifestation Oil

April 27 
Prophetic Speech & Automatic Writing
Channeling the Goddess
Sacred Utterances & Light Language
Hieroglyphic Divination

May 25
Cobra Mother of Lower Egypt
History of Papyrus
Maadi culture 
Egyptian Cobra
Making your own paper for magical use

June 22
Wadjet and the Uraeus
Red Deshret Crown
Medicine & Healing
The Heka sceptre
The Ankh & the Breath of Life
Ceremonial secrets for personal growth and transformation

July 27
Dreaming with the Dead
The Book of Coming Forth by Day
Working with the Epithets in Divination
Performing Readings with the help of your Isis statue

In addition to our regular class, all participants will be invited to participate in the Temple’s 7-day Lapis Philosophorum practice, taking place Aug 9-15, as well as a 3-part workshop with Priestess Selene on how to make your own supply of Kyphi incense from ancient recipes.

September 28
Isis Great of Magic
The Pschent Crown
The Tyet of Protection
The Blue Lotus of Rebirth
Writing a personal Hymn to Isis, Great of Magic 

Instead of our regular class in October, we will have our one-on-one Vow Prep sessions and our online and in-person Vows Ceremony, which will take place during the Isis Oasis Annual Convocation.

November 4-15 or 19: optional Priestess Awakening Egypt Pilgrimage with a bonus tour of the Siwa Oasis.
Please note: if you sign up for this tour with the Temple, you receive this class free of charge!

About the Instructor

Yeshe Meryemana Matthews Robles is Mandala Priestess & Sibyl of Tsogyal Lhamo Drayang Ling, the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple. She is ordained in the Fellowship and the Temple of Isis, taking vows to Isis of 10,000 Names in 2014. In 2023, she went on a life-changing pilgrimage to Egypt. In 2024, she formed the House of Light, an Iseum in the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple.

With a Master's degree in Women's History from Sarah Lawrence College, Yeshe has studied women's mysticism and matriarchal communities for over twenty years. She teaches in the Temple’s Priestess and Sibyl Training programs. She co-owns, with her beloved husband Albert, The Sacred Well metaphysical shop, where she offers Intuitive Readings, Ancestor Guidance Sessions, Sibyl Sessions, and more.


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Weret Hekau Priestess of Isis Training

Join Priestess Yeshe Meryemana Matthews Robles of the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple for 9 online group classes and one personal online coaching session to become Priestess of Isis in the House of Light.