Tsogyal Lhamo Drayang Ling


Truth or Dare: Empowerment Circle - 3/10/25
5:00 PM17:00

Truth or Dare: Empowerment Circle - 3/10/25

A monthly online consciousness-raising circle using Starhawk's Truth of Dare: Encounters with Power, Mystery, and Authority (1989) to explore liberatory healing in our inner and outer worlds. 

Magic is the art of liberation! Going to the common root of feminist therapy and modern goddess spirituality, and honoring the deeply rooted model of consciousness-raising groups, Truth or Dare unpacks patriarchy as institutionalized war culture and offers beautifully clear tools for how we can dismantle and resist its inner and outer control. There are guidelines for creating spaces in which we can heal, change, imagine the future we need and anchor it in the present -- and we are allowed to know them! We are allowed to speak them out loud, share our truths with one another, and dare to resist. We can use these tools for understanding how we have been shaped by the structures of power we live in, and how we can become empowered shapers ourselves. 

Every second Monday, 5-6:30pm
(Mtg day may shift based on group needs as we go)

Hosted by Mt Shasta Goddess Temple, open to all!

Part I January - April 
Chapter 1: Psychology of liberation, principles of power and magic
Chapter 2: Patriarchal history and the construct of war / the king
Chapter 3: Fierce Love: understanding human responses to systems of punishment and resisting their weaponization
Chapter 4: Patterns of empowerment: ritual and choice 

Part II May - September
Chapter 5: The Judge: reclaiming body, values, ethics
Chapter 6: The Conqueror: safety, self-hatred, boundaries, solidarity
Chapter 7: The Censor: voice, reality, responsibility
Chapter 8: The Master of Servants: war culture, systems of care, dis/ability, sexual violence
Chapter 9: The Orderer: control, chaos, wonder, and mystery

Part III October - November 
Chapter 10: Toward Community: group structure and leadership
Chapter 11: Building Community: Ritual and transitions
Chapter 12: Resistance and Renewal: vision and practical steps 

Free pdf of chapter 1 here: https://beforebefore.net/196c/s15/media/starhawk.pdf

Priestess Arrow

Arrow (she/her) is a feminist psychotherapist and priestess of the Mt Shasta Goddess Temple. Her work has a deep interest in understanding trauma, healing, empowerment and community from lenses better than those provided by our dominant hellscape, and a focus on supporting women, mamas, and queer and neurodivergent folks in their journeys through that territory. 

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Full Moon Mandala Ceremony - 3/13/25
7:00 PM19:00

Full Moon Mandala Ceremony - 3/13/25

The Outer Mandala: Full Moon Goddess Devotions

Every Full Moon in 2025, join Priestess Yeshe for one-hour devotional ceremonies honoring the Outer Mandala of the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple: 12 Goddesses and sacred beings that Yeshe has worked with for over 20 years.

January 13 - Prajnaparamita
February 13 - Kuan Yin
March 13 - Arya Tara
April 11 - Aphrodite
May 11 - Oshun
June 11 - Black Madonna
July 10 - Baba Yaga
August 9 - Isis
September 7 - Magu & Xi Wangmu
October 6 - Hekate
November 5 - Santa Muerte
December 4 - Deer Mother

In each ceremony, we will learn about the Goddess of this Moon Cycle, make offerings, share gratitudes, receive energetic blessings, perform divination, and connect with the fulfilling, activating, and clarifying energy of the Full Moon.

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

Yeshe Meryemana Matthews Robles

Priestess Yeshe was born on the Full Moon, and has always held a deep love for the magic of the lunar cycle. She has been hosting online and in-person ceremonies for women since 2004. Her rituals are simple, heartfelt, and joyful, and she holds space for women to find their voices and bring their dreams to life.

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Akashic Records Training: Level 1 - 3/15/25
2:00 PM14:00

Akashic Records Training: Level 1 - 3/15/25

The Akashic Records are a metaphysical repository of all events, thoughts, emotions, and experiences that have ever occurred, existing beyond time and space. Derived from the Sanskrit word "Akasha," meaning "ether" or "sky," the Akashic Records are often described as a cosmic library that contains the collective wisdom and memory of the universe, akin to an energetic database. Many spiritual traditions hold that these records contain information about the past, present, and potential future for every soul and are accessible through higher states of consciousness, intuition, or through trained facilitators.

The Akashic Records exist in a dimension beyond the physical, in the spiritual or etheric plane. Practitioners can tap into the Akashic Records through specialized training that teaches you to tune into this vibrational field. Access often requires a focused intention and specific invocation to enter the records, respecting the sacredness of the process. At the collective level, they contain the history of humanity, civilizations, and the universe itself. Reading the records can provide insights into spiritual growth, healing, and resolving issues from past experiences.

Goddess Spirituality often emphasizes the importance of ancestral knowledge and lineages. Accessing the Akashic Records allows us to reconnect with the spiritual paths of our ancestors, heal historic wounds, and reclaim lost traditions or practices that are crucial to our lineage.

Many of us believe in the continuity of the soul through multiple lifetimes. By accessing the Akashic Records, we can explore past lives to understand our soul’s journey, lessons, and karmic ties. self-empowerment is key. Accessing the Akashic Records gives us a sense of sovereignty over amidst our soul’s journey, helping us understand our divine power, relationship with the cosmos, and the role of the feminine in creation. This aligns us more deeply with the Goddess as a source of wisdom and devotion. We can access records to understand the rise and fall of ancient Goddess cultures, lost matriarchal societies, and suppressed feminine wisdom, with insights into how to revive and integrate these traditions into the modern world for global healing.

Join us to become Mystic Masters of the Akashic Records in 2025! Click below to learn more and register for this training.

Priestess Aislin

Aislin Wolf is a Priestess of Brighid, Aphrodite, and Mary Magdalene, and a devotee of Hekate. She is an Ikofa of Orunmila, devotee of Oshun and daughter of Yemaya. She is a Trauma therapist of over 10 years, a teacher, and spiritual life coach with a Master of Science in Mental Health Counseling. She specializes in Divination, such as Tarot, Lenormand, bone, and dice readings, and has been an Akashic Record Reader and Reiki Master and teacher for over 22 years. Aislin is compassionate and empathic. Her love of people and devotion to the Goddesses and Gods can be felt in every session that she conducts. To reach her, please visit her website The Flame and Key.

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Order of the Black Madonna 3/26/25
7:00 PM19:00

Order of the Black Madonna 3/26/25

A monthly devotional honoring the Black Madonna, Our Lady of Magic.

The Order of the Black Madonna is a holy order within the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple devoted to the Great Dark Mother known by many names: Mitochondrial Eve, Au Set, Isis, Gaia, Cybele, Our Lady of Czestochowa, Santa Muerte, Sara la Kali, Our Lady of Monserrat, and others.

We gather every 4th Wednesday to perform a community ceremony in which we lift the petitions submitted to us through our website, and we study a new face of the Divine Mother. Click here to submit a Prayer Request.

In 2025, our theme is Mystic Saints.

Jan 22: Mary Magdalene
Feb 26: Anne Catherine Emmerich
March 26: Catherine of Genoa
April 23: Catherine of Siena
May 28: Julian of Norwich
June 25: Joan of Arc
July 23: Christina the Astonishing
August: 27: Rose of Lima
September 24: Hildegard of Bingen
October 22: Therese de Lisieux
November 26: Sojourner Truth
December 17: Florence Scoville Shin

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

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New Moon Mandala Ceremony - 3/28/25
7:00 PM19:00

New Moon Mandala Ceremony - 3/28/25

The Inner Mandala: New Moon Goddess Devotions

In 2025, Priestess Yeshe offers one-hour New Moon devotional ceremonies honoring 12 Goddesses new to the Mandala of the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple:

January 29 - Gaea
February 27 - Potnia Theron
March 28 - Artimpasa
April 27 - Kurukulla
May 25 - Hathor
June 24 - Atargatis
July 24 - Sulis Minerva
August 22 - Matar Kubileya
September 20 - Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, Menat
October 20 - The Serpent Circle
November 19 - Nyx
December 18 - Seshat

In each ceremony, we will learn about the Goddess of this Moon Cycle, make offerings, create workings, perform divination, and connect with the nourishing, protective, and mysterious energy of the New Moon.

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

Yeshe Meryemana Matthews Robles

Priestess Yeshe was born on the Full Moon, and has always held a deep love for the magic of the lunar cycle. She has been hosting online and in-person ceremonies for women since 2004. Her rituals are simple, heartfelt, and joyful, and she holds space for women to find their voices and bring their dreams to life.

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Goddess Reiki Level 2 - 3/29/25
2:00 PM14:00

Goddess Reiki Level 2 - 3/29/25

Are you ready to work with healing light and the energies of the Goddess in a Reiki practice? The Mount Shasta Goddess Temple offers a special women- and Goddess-centered approach to classical Usui Reiki taught by Priestess Aislin Wolf, an experienced, attuned Reiki Master Teacher who studied with Women’s Spirituality foremother Diane Stein.

Goddess-centric Reiki is a valuable tool for Priestesses, Sibyls, and women healers as it combines the ancient wisdom of divine feminine energy with the healing power of Reiki. This practice honors the sacred feminine, empowering women to connect with their intuition, elevate their spiritual essence, and evoke their innate healing abilities. By integrating Goddess-centric principles, practitioners channel a nurturing and compassionate energy that resonates with the Goddess spirituality path and enhances their healing practices. This approach offers holistic balance, promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being for women and the communities they serve, while also strengthening their connection to the Great Mother and the earth's natural rhythms.

Students with no experience are welcome, as are students who have already been attuned at Level One but would like to complete the advanced levels. Classes will take place on Saturdays and will be recorded for all participants to access and watch later. If you cannot attend the class live, you will be sent the link to watch it on replay. However, your individualized Attunement must be completed live. The Instructor will invite you to schedule your attunement directly with her on the day after the class or at a mutually convenient time during the week following the class.

Priestess Aislin

Aislin Wolf is a Priestess of Brighid, Aphrodite, and Mary Magdalene, and a devotee of Hekate. She is an Ikofa of Orunmila, devotee of Oshun and daughter of Yemaya. She is a Trauma therapist of over 10 years, a teacher, and spiritual life coach with a Master of Science in Mental Health Counseling. She specializes in Divination, such as Tarot, Lenormand, bone, and dice readings, and has been an Akashic Record Reader and Reiki Master and teacher for over 22 years. Aislin is compassionate and empathic. Her love of people and devotion to the Goddesses and Gods can be felt in every session that she conducts.

Learn more and register below!

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Path of the Wolf - Begins 3/31/25
6:00 PM18:00

Path of the Wolf - Begins 3/31/25

Call of the Wild

Are you intrigued by the spirit of the Wolf beyond its nature, history and mythology? Are you rooted in a worldview of animism, earth-based spirituality, and witchcraft where the Wolf is a central figure? Or maybe you've always just known that the Wolf is Magic, like you?

13 sessions online
March 31-June 23
Mondays 6pm Pacific/9pm Eastern
Tuition: $325
Registration opens 1/8/2025 at

This 13 week course will immerse you in the beautifully complex, mystical nature of the Wolf and guide you with stories, journeys, magic and tools to establish a place for her in your spiritual life and practice.

In this course you will study the lore of the Wolf from different cultures, learn about the biology and behavior of wolves, and explore rituals and practices to connect with and embody the powerful magic of the Wolf in your daily life. Participants will experience a deep dive into rewilding their physical senses, connecting with Nature and the spirits of place, and forging a personal relationship with the Wolf on their own personal magical path.

March 31 - Intro to Course and Lesson 1:  Wolf Ancestors & Ancient Ties
April 7 - Lesson 1A: Sense of Touch & Ritual Practices
April 14 - River of Lineage, Guided Journey into the Past
April 21 - Lesson 2: Wolf Mothers & Guardians
April 28 - Lesson 2A: Sense of Smell & Ritual Practices
May 5 - Forest of Protection, Guided Journey to the Den
May 12 - Lesson 3: Seers & Shapeshifters
May 19 - Lesson 3A: Sense of Hearing & Ritual Practices
May 26 - Fog of Mystery, Guided Journey to the Underworld
June 2 - Lesson 4: Wolf Deities & Tutelary Spirits
June 9 - Lesson 4A: Sense of Vision & Ritual Practices
June 16 - Wilderness of Power, Guided Journey to the Mountain
June 23 - Closing Ritual, Dedication, and Circle of Sharing

Devanna Wolf

Devanna Wolf is an ordained priestess and sibyl in the Mt Shasta Goddess Temple, dedicated as an artist, diviner, teacher and sacred creatrix to the Goddess in her many forms. 

“The Wolf in my eyes is an emblem of courage, fortitude, and resilience. Fascinated by wolves from an early age, I've studied their natural history and mythology for decades. I've always felt a keen resonance between its majestic, untamed power and the nature of the Witch...and by extension, all women. This is where the Path of the Wolf begins, a journey into our wild and sacred selves with the Wolf as our guide. It is my devotional offering to walk this path and encourage others to appreciate and embody the magic of the Wolf in their own lives.”

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Portraits of the Goddess Within - 4/5/25
1:00 PM13:00

Portraits of the Goddess Within - 4/5/25

Portrait of the Goddess Within: Seasonal Self Portraits

Spring Session
April 5, 2025
1-2:30pm Pacific
Classes via Zoom

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

An empowering online photography class led by the priestess Linda M. Toki. Meeting four times: spring, summer, fall and winter between 2025-26, this class is designed to help women explore their inner strength and beauty through the art of portrait photography in conjunction with a goddess or goddesses they wish to embody. With a focus on capturing the essence of the “goddess within,” participants will delve into essential photography techniques such as lighting, composition, and the use of color. The course explores both indoor and outdoor backgrounds, encouraging women to experiment with settings that enhance their best attributes. Additionally, participants will have the chance to explore the creative possibilities of costuming to bring their goddess-inspired visions to life.

In the spring session of Portrait of the Goddess Within, we will celebrate the season by identifying and drawing inspiration from goddess associated with spring or themes of rebirth. Participants will explore the associations of spring—plants, blossoming trees, animals. What goddesses are symbols of Spring and rebirth, fertility, or awakening? What goddesses flower the earth?

The class will touch on a variety of gear, from professional DSLR cameras to iPhones. Linda will guide students through posing techniques that flatter their subjects and help convey emotion and personality as well as the nature of the goddess they will portray if they choose to. She will also introduce editing techniques, showcasing popular programs and user-friendly apps to enhance and refine images. Whether you're a seasoned photographer looking to expand your skills or a beginner aiming to capture inspiring portraits, Portrait of the Goddess Within promises a journey of fun, creativity and self-expression. 

Linda M. Toki

Priestess Linda is a multifaceted leader and artist deeply rooted in her local community of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. As a Skydancer Priestess with the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple, she brings a wealth of experience and passion to her spiritual practices. Currently enrolled in the Via Carmen Pythia program, she has been reading tarot since 2014, enriching her connection to divination, intuition and guidance. With her expertise as a reiki master and mesa carrier in the Andean tradition, Linda creates a unique blend of healing and spirituality. She’s also ordained by the Universal Life Church, where she performs handfasting ceremonies.

As the creatrix of Gettysburg Goddesses, Linda fosters women’s spirituality through rituals, ceremonies, and community activities. Her leadership has helped expand the organization following her completion of the Mount Shasta “Raise the Temple” program.

After a 33-year career in federal government service with the Farm Credit Administration, where she excelled as an award-winning graphic designer and photographer, Linda retired in 2020. Her educational background includes a BS in Education from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, where she majored in Art Education and minored in Art History.

Linda's commitment to community engagement is evident through her involvement with groups like WE Women Empowered and Businesswomen Influencing Gettysburg, and in her role as a board member for the Gettysburg Community Theater.

A lifelong photographer inspired by the beauty of the Western Pennsylvania, her love for nature shines through in her artistic work, particularly in the sacred imagery of birds within her goddess mandala. Linda hopes to inspire and uplift those around her through her artistic projects and spiritual assistance.

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Writing with the Elements with Jamie Della - 4/6/25
12:00 PM12:00

Writing with the Elements with Jamie Della - 4/6/25

In Writing With the Elements author Jamie Della will take you on a journey to discover how Air, Fire, Water, and Earth can help you with your writing.

In this online writing workshop, we will listen to creative inspiration, explore writing themes, and write freeform for 2-7 minutes intervals. Sharing is optional but never required.

This Zoom (live & recorded) workshop will be 3 hours and cost $49. You can bring a project that you are working on or simply explore your creativity.

We will explore these Elemental Writing Themes

  • Element of Air as the Writer’s Voice

  • Element of Fire as the Passion

  • Element of Water as the Lyricism

  • Element of Earth as the Carnality

If the group who gathers for this class is interested in working together further as a Sacred Writers Guild, we will discuss the possibility at the end of class.

Inspo: Rules for Freeform Writing from Natalie Goldberg

Keep your hand moving. No matter what, don't stop
Don’t cross out – don’t let the editor/critic in
Don't worry about spelling, punctuation or grammar
Lose control, like dropping into a dream, fly
Don’t think or get logical
What matters most to you. This is for you.

Freeform writing allows thoughts to bubble up to the surface and onto the paper because you don’t pause to think too much or edit. Only the creator is allowed in the room or on the page when you give yourself permission to write nonstop for a few brief minutes. Surprise yourself. Give your voice wings.

Registration can be found at https://jamiedella.com/ on the Events page!

Priestess Jamie

JAMIE DELLA is a Xicana Witch, Shamanic Priestess of the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple, Magickal mentor, and Wiccan author of ten books, including A Box of Magick: A Guided Journey to Crafting a Magickal Life through Witchcraft, Ritual Herbalism and Spellcrafting, The Book of Spells and The Wicca Cookbook. Jamie’s books, teachings and one-on-one mentoring program focuses on how to deeply connect with your unique spirit and co-create with an alive world. Get inspiration in your mailbox every week with her Substack called Writing the Magick and the “Homesteading the Hollows” blog, which chronicles homesteading 45 acres of redwood, oak, madrone forest.

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Full Moon Mandala Ceremony - 4/11/25
7:00 PM19:00

Full Moon Mandala Ceremony - 4/11/25

The Outer Mandala: Full Moon Goddess Devotions

Every Full Moon in 2025, join Priestess Yeshe for one-hour devotional ceremonies honoring the Outer Mandala of the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple: 12 Goddesses and sacred beings that Yeshe has worked with for over 20 years.

January 13 - Prajnaparamita
February 13 - Kuan Yin
March 13 - Arya Tara
April 11 - Aphrodite
May 11 - Oshun
June 11 - Black Madonna
July 10 - Baba Yaga
August 9 - Isis
September 7 - Magu & Xi Wangmu
October 6 - Hekate
November 5 - Santa Muerte
December 4 - Deer Mother

In each ceremony, we will learn about the Goddess of this Moon Cycle, make offerings, share gratitudes, receive energetic blessings, perform divination, and connect with the fulfilling, activating, and clarifying energy of the Full Moon.

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

Yeshe Meryemana Matthews Robles

Priestess Yeshe was born on the Full Moon, and has always held a deep love for the magic of the lunar cycle. She has been hosting online and in-person ceremonies for women since 2004. Her rituals are simple, heartfelt, and joyful, and she holds space for women to find their voices and bring their dreams to life.

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Lotus Reiki Circle - 4/12/25
9:00 AM09:00

Lotus Reiki Circle - 4/12/25

The Lotus Reiki Collective is a group of Reiki Masters and students within the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple working with a specialized form of Goddess Reiki.

The group meets every Second Saturday at:

9am Pacific
10am Mountain
11am Central
12pm Eastern
5pm UK

In our one-hour gatherings we study topics in the field of reiki healing, send reiki to those who submit petitions on our web page, and lift reiki to support the well-being of our entire community. Click here to submit a Reiki Request.

Our study topics in 2025 include:

January- Yeshe - Matriarchal Roots of Reiki
February- Cris Rose-Reiki and the Heart Chakra
March- Aislin- Reiki and Sisterhood Circles
April- Cris Rose-Reiki and Sacral Chakra; Healing Sexual Trauma
May- Yeshe- Reiki Essences (Gem Elixirs)
June- Aislin-Reiki and Religious Beliefs
July- Cris Rose-Reiki and Crystal Healing
August- Aislin-How to Set Up a Reiki Practice
September- Aislin-Reiki and Herbs
October- TBA-Reiki and End of Life
November- Yeshe-Your Reiki Guides
December- Allison-Reiki and Psychedelics

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

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Witch Crafting - 4/13/25
1:00 PM13:00

Witch Crafting - 4/13/25

Each month, join the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple for hands-on creative gatherings to explore magical arts and sacred crafts inspired by earth-based spirituality and goddess traditions. Create tools, deepen your practice, and celebrate the cycles of nature in a welcoming sisterhood. Perfect for all skill levels, these classes spark creativity and weave magic into everyday life.

The Goddess in 1000 Words - Creative Writing Workshop 
Sunday, April 13, 2025
1pm Pacific
Online via Zoom
Hosted by: Priestess Aislin

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

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Goddess Spotting Monthly Group
6:00 PM18:00

Goddess Spotting Monthly Group

Come join us online each third Tuesday of the month to deepen your connection with the temple Goddesses with Priestess Cris Rose by using brainspotting, which is a brain-based modality involving gazing at images or certain areas within your line of vision. This can help to release emotions, bring in calm and expand the synaptic brain connections. We will use the beautiful temple Goddess images designed by Priestess Devanna Wolf as an entry point. Experience self-attunement as we connect within and group attunement with our community at The Mount Shasta Goddess Temple. You will also be guided through relaxing hypnotherapy mediation to experience the energy and imagery of the monthly Goddesses.

No prior experience in brainspotting is necessary as you will be guided through the process.

4/15 Aphrodite

5/20 Oshun

6/17 Black Madonna

7/15 Baba Yaga

8/19 Isis

9/16 Magu

10/21 Hecate

11/18 Santa Muerte

12/15 Deer Mother

Priestess Cris Rose

Priestess Cris Rose is a Psychotherapist, Reiki Master Teacher and Priestess with the Mt. Shasta Goddess Temple. She is the owner of The Blooming Soul in Roseville, California where she combines her love for Reiki energy healing and holistic therapy to offer a creative approach to your healing and spiritual needs utilizing modalities such as brainspotting, somatic therapy, mindfulness, hypnotherapy and expressive arts. She specializes in helping women navigate life transitions, grief and loss, and spirituality. She helps you heal, see your beauty and re-awaken your true self in personal sessions and group offerings. Priestess Cris has over 25 years of teaching experience. She holds beautiful loving space, fosters community and honors connection with the Goddess. Come tend your magical garden with Cristi and learn to balance your mind, body and spirit.
Website: www.thebloomingsoul916.com
IG & FB: thebloomingsoul916

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Türkiye Pilgrimage - 4/18-5/4
2:00 PM14:00

Türkiye Pilgrimage - 4/18-5/4

Ancient Queens of Anatolia Tour

Priestesses Yeshe Meryemana Matthews Robles and Flora Lunaria are bringing a small group of historians and Goddess devotees for a 16-day journey through Western Türkiye in Spring 2025. We will explore and make ceremonial connections at ancient sites related to Cybele, Artemis, Hekate and Aphrodite. We will enjoy an urban sanctuary at Ephesus, the seaside enchantment of Datça, the pastoral beauty of Lagina and Aphrodisias, delicious, healthy food, and a profound connection with the Goddess and her energies in the magical landscape.

Do you hear the call?

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Order of the Black Madonna 4/23/25
7:00 PM19:00

Order of the Black Madonna 4/23/25

A monthly devotional honoring the Black Madonna, Our Lady of Magic.

The Order of the Black Madonna is a holy order within the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple devoted to the Great Dark Mother known by many names: Mitochondrial Eve, Au Set, Isis, Gaia, Cybele, Our Lady of Czestochowa, Santa Muerte, Sara la Kali, Our Lady of Monserrat, and others.

We gather every 4th Wednesday to perform a community ceremony in which we lift the petitions submitted to us through our website, and we study a new face of the Divine Mother. Click here to submit a Prayer Request.

In 2025, our theme is Mystic Saints.

Jan 22: Mary Magdalene
Feb 26: Anne Catherine Emmerich
March 26: Catherine of Genoa
April 23: Catherine of Siena
May 28: Julian of Norwich
June 25: Joan of Arc
July 23: Christina the Astonishing
August: 27: Rose of Lima
September 24: Hildegard of Bingen
October 22: Therese de Lisieux
November 26: Sojourner Truth
December 17: Florence Scoville Shin

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

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Goddess Reiki Level 3 - 4/26/25
2:00 PM14:00

Goddess Reiki Level 3 - 4/26/25

Are you ready to work with healing light and the energies of the Goddess in a Reiki practice? The Mount Shasta Goddess Temple offers a special women- and Goddess-centered approach to classical Usui Reiki taught by Priestess Aislin Wolf, an experienced, attuned Reiki Master Teacher who studied with Women’s Spirituality foremother Diane Stein.

Goddess-centric Reiki is a valuable tool for Priestesses, Sibyls, and women healers as it combines the ancient wisdom of divine feminine energy with the healing power of Reiki. This practice honors the sacred feminine, empowering women to connect with their intuition, elevate their spiritual essence, and evoke their innate healing abilities. By integrating Goddess-centric principles, practitioners channel a nurturing and compassionate energy that resonates with the Goddess spirituality path and enhances their healing practices. This approach offers holistic balance, promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being for women and the communities they serve, while also strengthening their connection to the Great Mother and the earth's natural rhythms.

Students with no experience are welcome, as are students who have already been attuned at Level One but would like to complete the advanced levels. Classes will take place on Saturdays and will be recorded for all participants to access and watch later. If you cannot attend the class live, you will be sent the link to watch it on replay. However, your individualized Attunement must be completed live. The Instructor will invite you to schedule your attunement directly with her on the day after the class or at a mutually convenient time during the week following the class.

Priestess Aislin

Aislin Wolf is a Priestess of Brighid, Aphrodite, and Mary Magdalene, and a devotee of Hekate. She is an Ikofa of Orunmila, devotee of Oshun and daughter of Yemaya. She is a Trauma therapist of over 10 years, a teacher, and spiritual life coach with a Master of Science in Mental Health Counseling. She specializes in Divination, such as Tarot, Lenormand, bone, and dice readings, and has been an Akashic Record Reader and Reiki Master and teacher for over 22 years. Aislin is compassionate and empathic. Her love of people and devotion to the Goddesses and Gods can be felt in every session that she conducts.

Learn more and register below!

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New Moon Mandala Ceremony - 4/27/25
7:00 PM19:00

New Moon Mandala Ceremony - 4/27/25

The Inner Mandala: New Moon Goddess Devotions

In 2025, Priestess Yeshe offers one-hour New Moon devotional ceremonies honoring 12 Goddesses new to the Mandala of the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple:

January 29 - Gaea
February 27 - Potnia Theron
March 28 - Artimpasa
April 27 - Kurukulla
May 25 - Hathor
June 24 - Atargatis
July 24 - Sulis Minerva
August 22 - Matar Kubileya
September 20 - Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, Menat
October 20 - The Serpent Circle
November 19 - Nyx
December 18 - Seshat

In each ceremony, we will learn about the Goddess of this Moon Cycle, make offerings, create workings, perform divination, and connect with the nourishing, protective, and mysterious energy of the New Moon.

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

Yeshe Meryemana Matthews Robles

Priestess Yeshe was born on the Full Moon, and has always held a deep love for the magic of the lunar cycle. She has been hosting online and in-person ceremonies for women since 2004. Her rituals are simple, heartfelt, and joyful, and she holds space for women to find their voices and bring their dreams to life.

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Lotus Reiki Circle - 5/10/25
9:00 AM09:00

Lotus Reiki Circle - 5/10/25

The Lotus Reiki Collective is a group of Reiki Masters and students within the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple working with a specialized form of Goddess Reiki.

The group meets every Second Saturday at:

9am Pacific
10am Mountain
11am Central
12pm Eastern
5pm UK

In our one-hour gatherings we study topics in the field of reiki healing, send reiki to those who submit petitions on our web page, and lift reiki to support the well-being of our entire community. Click here to submit a Reiki Request.

Our study topics in 2025 include:

January- Yeshe - Matriarchal Roots of Reiki
February- Cris Rose-Reiki and the Heart Chakra
March- Aislin- Reiki and Sisterhood Circles
April- Cris Rose-Reiki and Sacral Chakra; Healing Sexual Trauma
May- Yeshe- Reiki Essences (Gem Elixirs)
June- Aislin-Reiki and Religious Beliefs
July- Cris Rose-Reiki and Crystal Healing
August- Aislin-How to Set Up a Reiki Practice
September- Aislin-Reiki and Herbs
October- TBA-Reiki and End of Life
November- Yeshe-Your Reiki Guides
December- Allison-Reiki and Psychedelics

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

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Akashic Records Training: Level 2 - 5/10/25
2:00 PM14:00

Akashic Records Training: Level 2 - 5/10/25

The Akashic Records are a metaphysical repository of all events, thoughts, emotions, and experiences that have ever occurred, existing beyond time and space. Derived from the Sanskrit word "Akasha," meaning "ether" or "sky," the Akashic Records are often described as a cosmic library that contains the collective wisdom and memory of the universe, akin to an energetic database. Many spiritual traditions hold that these records contain information about the past, present, and potential future for every soul and are accessible through higher states of consciousness, intuition, or through trained facilitators.

The Akashic Records exist in a dimension beyond the physical, in the spiritual or etheric plane. Practitioners can tap into the Akashic Records through specialized training that teaches you to tune into this vibrational field. Access often requires a focused intention and specific invocation to enter the records, respecting the sacredness of the process. At the collective level, they contain the history of humanity, civilizations, and the universe itself. Reading the records can provide insights into spiritual growth, healing, and resolving issues from past experiences.

Goddess Spirituality often emphasizes the importance of ancestral knowledge and lineages. Accessing the Akashic Records allows us to reconnect with the spiritual paths of our ancestors, heal historic wounds, and reclaim lost traditions or practices that are crucial to our lineage.

Many of us believe in the continuity of the soul through multiple lifetimes. By accessing the Akashic Records, we can explore past lives to understand our soul’s journey, lessons, and karmic ties. self-empowerment is key. Accessing the Akashic Records gives us a sense of sovereignty over amidst our soul’s journey, helping us understand our divine power, relationship with the cosmos, and the role of the feminine in creation. This aligns us more deeply with the Goddess as a source of wisdom and devotion. We can access records to understand the rise and fall of ancient Goddess cultures, lost matriarchal societies, and suppressed feminine wisdom, with insights into how to revive and integrate these traditions into the modern world for global healing.

Join us to become Mystic Masters of the Akashic Records in 2025! More information and registration coming soon.

Priestess Aislin

Aislin Wolf is a Priestess of Brighid, Aphrodite, and Mary Magdalene, and a devotee of Hekate. She is an Ikofa of Orunmila, devotee of Oshun and daughter of Yemaya. She is a Trauma therapist of over 10 years, a teacher, and spiritual life coach with a Master of Science in Mental Health Counseling. She specializes in Divination, such as Tarot, Lenormand, bone, and dice readings, and has been an Akashic Record Reader and Reiki Master and teacher for over 22 years. Aislin is compassionate and empathic. Her love of people and devotion to the Goddesses and Gods can be felt in every session that she conducts. To reach her, please visit her website The Flame and Key.

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Witch Crafting - 5/11/25
1:00 PM13:00

Witch Crafting - 5/11/25

Each month, join the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple for hands-on creative gatherings to explore magical arts and sacred crafts inspired by earth-based spirituality and goddess traditions. Create tools, deepen your practice, and celebrate the cycles of nature in a welcoming sisterhood. Perfect for all skill levels, these classes spark creativity and weave magic into everyday life.

Bruacherei Pins - Pennsylvania Dutch Protection Spells
Sunday, May 11, 2025
1pm Pacific
Online via Zoom
Hosted by: Priestess Linda

The Pennsylvania Dutch have a rich tradition of creating protective charms using safety pins. These amulets, imbued with magical intent, are crafted by attaching charms, beads, ribbons, and trinkets to the safety pins. In this tradition, folk healers, known as Brauchers, practice Braucherei (also called powwowing) and often assist individuals believed to be afflicted by curses from witches, or Hexe, who practice Hexerei. The practices of Braucherei and Hexerei sometimes overlap, blurring the lines between them. Pin charms can be worn on the shoulder or over the heart, attached to mojo bags, or secured to brooms placed at entryways for protection.

In this class, we will explore this Pennsylvania Dutch practice and create our own protective pins. Some materials will be provided, but you’ll need to bring safety pins, herbs for your pouch, and personal protection charms. These charms can be repurposed from old necklaces, earrings, or bracelets. You can also find beads or jewelry charms at local craft stores like Michael’s or Joann Fabrics.

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

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Full Moon Mandala Ceremony - 5/11/25
7:00 PM19:00

Full Moon Mandala Ceremony - 5/11/25

The Outer Mandala: Full Moon Goddess Devotions

Every Full Moon in 2025, join Priestess Yeshe for one-hour devotional ceremonies honoring the Outer Mandala of the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple: 12 Goddesses and sacred beings that Yeshe has worked with for over 20 years.

January 13 - Prajnaparamita
February 13 - Kuan Yin
March 13 - Arya Tara
April 11 - Aphrodite
May 11 - Oshun
June 11 - Black Madonna
July 10 - Baba Yaga
August 9 - Isis
September 7 - Magu & Xi Wangmu
October 6 - Hekate
November 5 - Santa Muerte
December 4 - Deer Mother

In each ceremony, we will learn about the Goddess of this Moon Cycle, make offerings, share gratitudes, receive energetic blessings, perform divination, and connect with the fulfilling, activating, and clarifying energy of the Full Moon.

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

Yeshe Meryemana Matthews Robles

Priestess Yeshe was born on the Full Moon, and has always held a deep love for the magic of the lunar cycle. She has been hosting online and in-person ceremonies for women since 2004. Her rituals are simple, heartfelt, and joyful, and she holds space for women to find their voices and bring their dreams to life.

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France Pilgrimage - 5/16-26/25
to May 26

France Pilgrimage - 5/16-26/25

Scarlet Madonna Tour

Journey to the south of France for a tour of the Mary Magdalene sites near Marseilles, followed by the festival of Sara-la-Kali in Ste-Marie-de-la-Mer. Our group will land in Marseille and embark on a retreat to see the Sainte-Baume Cave and Grotto, the Basilica of Sainte-Maximin-la-Saint-Baume, and Arles, honoring the mystical presence of Mary Magdalene. Then we will proceed to the Camargue, where the fresh waters meet the sea, to join in the celebration of Sara-la-Kali, the Miraculous Mother of the Romani people. After participating in her famous rituals, including bathing the statue in the sea, we will return to Marseille and fly home with full hearts.

Do you hear the call to join us?

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Goddess Spotting Monthly Group
6:00 PM18:00

Goddess Spotting Monthly Group

Come join us online each third Tuesday of the month to deepen your connection with the temple Goddesses with Priestess Cris Rose by using brainspotting, which is a brain-based modality involving gazing at images or certain areas within your line of vision. This can help to release emotions, bring in calm and expand the synaptic brain connections. We will use the beautiful temple Goddess images designed by Priestess Devanna Wolf as an entry point. Experience self-attunement as we connect within and group attunement with our community at The Mount Shasta Goddess Temple. You will also be guided through relaxing hypnotherapy mediation to experience the energy and imagery of the monthly Goddesses.

No prior experience in brainspotting is necessary as you will be guided through the process.

4/15 Aphrodite

5/20 Oshun

6/17 Black Madonna

7/15 Baba Yaga

8/19 Isis

9/16 Magu

10/21 Hecate

11/18 Santa Muerte

12/15 Deer Mother

Priestess Cris Rose

Priestess Cris Rose is a Psychotherapist, Reiki Master Teacher and Priestess with the Mt. Shasta Goddess Temple. She is the owner of The Blooming Soul in Roseville, California where she combines her love for Reiki energy healing and holistic therapy to offer a creative approach to your healing and spiritual needs utilizing modalities such as brainspotting, somatic therapy, mindfulness, hypnotherapy and expressive arts. She specializes in helping women navigate life transitions, grief and loss, and spirituality. She helps you heal, see your beauty and re-awaken your true self in personal sessions and group offerings. Priestess Cris has over 25 years of teaching experience. She holds beautiful loving space, fosters community and honors connection with the Goddess. Come tend your magical garden with Cristi and learn to balance your mind, body and spirit.
Website: www.thebloomingsoul916.com
IG & FB: thebloomingsoul916

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New Moon Mandala Ceremony - 5/25/25
7:00 PM19:00

New Moon Mandala Ceremony - 5/25/25

The Inner Mandala: New Moon Goddess Devotions

In 2025, Priestess Yeshe offers one-hour New Moon devotional ceremonies honoring 12 Goddesses new to the Mandala of the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple:

January 29 - Gaea
February 27 - Potnia Theron
March 28 - Artimpasa
April 27 - Kurukulla
May 25 - Hathor
June 24 - Atargatis
July 24 - Sulis Minerva
August 22 - Matar Kubileya
September 20 - Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, Menat
October 20 - The Serpent Circle
November 19 - Nyx
December 18 - Seshat

In each ceremony, we will learn about the Goddess of this Moon Cycle, make offerings, create workings, perform divination, and connect with the nourishing, protective, and mysterious energy of the New Moon.

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

Yeshe Meryemana Matthews Robles

Priestess Yeshe was born on the Full Moon, and has always held a deep love for the magic of the lunar cycle. She has been hosting online and in-person ceremonies for women since 2004. Her rituals are simple, heartfelt, and joyful, and she holds space for women to find their voices and bring their dreams to life.

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Order of the Black Madonna 5/28/25
7:00 PM19:00

Order of the Black Madonna 5/28/25

A monthly devotional honoring the Black Madonna, Our Lady of Magic.

The Order of the Black Madonna is a holy order within the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple devoted to the Great Dark Mother known by many names: Mitochondrial Eve, Au Set, Isis, Gaia, Cybele, Our Lady of Czestochowa, Santa Muerte, Sara la Kali, Our Lady of Monserrat, and others.

We gather every 4th Wednesday to perform a community ceremony in which we lift the petitions submitted to us through our website, and we study a new face of the Divine Mother. Click here to submit a Prayer Request.

In 2025, our theme is Mystic Saints.

Jan 22: Mary Magdalene
Feb 26: Anne Catherine Emmerich
March 26: Catherine of Genoa
April 23: Catherine of Siena
May 28: Julian of Norwich
June 25: Joan of Arc
July 23: Christina the Astonishing
August: 27: Rose of Lima
September 24: Hildegard of Bingen
October 22: Therese de Lisieux
November 26: Sojourner Truth
December 17: Florence Scoville Shin

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

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Witch Crafting - 6/8/25
1:00 PM13:00

Witch Crafting - 6/8/25

Each month, join the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple for hands-on creative gatherings to explore magical arts and sacred crafts inspired by earth-based spirituality and goddess traditions. Create tools, deepen your practice, and celebrate the cycles of nature in a welcoming sisterhood. Perfect for all skill levels, these classes spark creativity and weave magic into everyday life.

Shaping the Divine - Goddess Creations with Clay
Sunday, June 8, 2025
1pm Pacific
Online via Zoom
Hosted by: Priestess Kat

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

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Full Moon Mandala Ceremony - 6/11/25
7:00 PM19:00

Full Moon Mandala Ceremony - 6/11/25

The Outer Mandala: Full Moon Goddess Devotions

Every Full Moon in 2025, join Priestess Yeshe for one-hour devotional ceremonies honoring the Outer Mandala of the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple: 12 Goddesses and sacred beings that Yeshe has worked with for over 20 years.

January 13 - Prajnaparamita
February 13 - Kuan Yin
March 13 - Arya Tara
April 11 - Aphrodite
May 11 - Oshun
June 11 - Black Madonna
July 10 - Baba Yaga
August 9 - Isis
September 7 - Magu & Xi Wangmu
October 6 - Hekate
November 5 - Santa Muerte
December 4 - Deer Mother

In each ceremony, we will learn about the Goddess of this Moon Cycle, make offerings, share gratitudes, receive energetic blessings, perform divination, and connect with the fulfilling, activating, and clarifying energy of the Full Moon.

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

Yeshe Meryemana Matthews Robles

Priestess Yeshe was born on the Full Moon, and has always held a deep love for the magic of the lunar cycle. She has been hosting online and in-person ceremonies for women since 2004. Her rituals are simple, heartfelt, and joyful, and she holds space for women to find their voices and bring their dreams to life.

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Summer Magic Fest
to Jun 15

Summer Magic Fest

Summer Magick Fest

Summer Magick Festival is an earth-based spirituality convention with workshops, celebration, and community in a comfortable hotel setting. Headliners, rituals, and musical entertainment have been chosen to encourage tolerance between the many different earth-based faiths and foster planetary stewardship. We are a family-friendly event with programming for our young ones as well as close proximity to all the wonders of the Orlando theme parks.

Join us for a new kind of Florida festival!

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Lotus Reiki Circle - 6/14/25
9:00 AM09:00

Lotus Reiki Circle - 6/14/25

The Lotus Reiki Collective is a group of Reiki Masters and students within the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple working with a specialized form of Goddess Reiki.

The group meets every Second Saturday at:

9am Pacific
10am Mountain
11am Central
12pm Eastern
5pm UK

In our one-hour gatherings we study topics in the field of reiki healing, send reiki to those who submit petitions on our web page, and lift reiki to support the well-being of our entire community. Click here to submit a Reiki Request.

Our study topics in 2025 include:

January- Yeshe - Matriarchal Roots of Reiki
February- Cris Rose-Reiki and the Heart Chakra
March- Aislin- Reiki and Sisterhood Circles
April- Cris Rose-Reiki and Sacral Chakra; Healing Sexual Trauma
May- Yeshe- Reiki Essences (Gem Elixirs)
June- Aislin-Reiki and Religious Beliefs
July- Cris Rose-Reiki and Crystal Healing
August- Aislin-How to Set Up a Reiki Practice
September- Aislin-Reiki and Herbs
October- TBA-Reiki and End of Life
November- Yeshe-Your Reiki Guides
December- Allison-Reiki and Psychedelics

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

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Goddess Spotting Monthly Group
6:00 PM18:00

Goddess Spotting Monthly Group

Come join us online each third Tuesday of the month to deepen your connection with the temple Goddesses with Priestess Cris Rose by using brainspotting, which is a brain-based modality involving gazing at images or certain areas within your line of vision. This can help to release emotions, bring in calm and expand the synaptic brain connections. We will use the beautiful temple Goddess images designed by Priestess Devanna Wolf as an entry point. Experience self-attunement as we connect within and group attunement with our community at The Mount Shasta Goddess Temple. You will also be guided through relaxing hypnotherapy mediation to experience the energy and imagery of the monthly Goddesses.

No prior experience in brainspotting is necessary as you will be guided through the process.

4/15 Aphrodite

5/20 Oshun

6/17 Black Madonna

7/15 Baba Yaga

8/19 Isis

9/16 Magu

10/21 Hecate

11/18 Santa Muerte

12/15 Deer Mother

Priestess Cris Rose

Priestess Cris Rose is a Psychotherapist, Reiki Master Teacher and Priestess with the Mt. Shasta Goddess Temple. She is the owner of The Blooming Soul in Roseville, California where she combines her love for Reiki energy healing and holistic therapy to offer a creative approach to your healing and spiritual needs utilizing modalities such as brainspotting, somatic therapy, mindfulness, hypnotherapy and expressive arts. She specializes in helping women navigate life transitions, grief and loss, and spirituality. She helps you heal, see your beauty and re-awaken your true self in personal sessions and group offerings. Priestess Cris has over 25 years of teaching experience. She holds beautiful loving space, fosters community and honors connection with the Goddess. Come tend your magical garden with Cristi and learn to balance your mind, body and spirit.
Website: www.thebloomingsoul916.com
IG & FB: thebloomingsoul916

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New Moon Mandala Ceremony - 6/24/25
7:00 PM19:00

New Moon Mandala Ceremony - 6/24/25

The Inner Mandala: New Moon Goddess Devotions

In 2025, Priestess Yeshe offers one-hour New Moon devotional ceremonies honoring 12 Goddesses new to the Mandala of the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple:

January 29 - Gaea
February 27 - Potnia Theron
March 28 - Artimpasa
April 27 - Kurukulla
May 25 - Hathor
June 24 - Atargatis
July 24 - Sulis Minerva
August 22 - Matar Kubileya
September 20 - Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, Menat
October 20 - The Serpent Circle
November 19 - Nyx
December 18 - Seshat

In each ceremony, we will learn about the Goddess of this Moon Cycle, make offerings, create workings, perform divination, and connect with the nourishing, protective, and mysterious energy of the New Moon.

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

Yeshe Meryemana Matthews Robles

Priestess Yeshe was born on the Full Moon, and has always held a deep love for the magic of the lunar cycle. She has been hosting online and in-person ceremonies for women since 2004. Her rituals are simple, heartfelt, and joyful, and she holds space for women to find their voices and bring their dreams to life.

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Order of the Black Madonna 6/25/25
7:00 PM19:00

Order of the Black Madonna 6/25/25

A monthly devotional honoring the Black Madonna, Our Lady of Magic.

The Order of the Black Madonna is a holy order within the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple devoted to the Great Dark Mother known by many names: Mitochondrial Eve, Au Set, Isis, Gaia, Cybele, Our Lady of Czestochowa, Santa Muerte, Sara la Kali, Our Lady of Monserrat, and others.

We gather every 4th Wednesday to perform a community ceremony in which we lift the petitions submitted to us through our website, and we study a new face of the Divine Mother. Click here to submit a Prayer Request.

In 2025, our theme is Mystic Saints.

Jan 22: Mary Magdalene
Feb 26: Anne Catherine Emmerich
March 26: Catherine of Genoa
April 23: Catherine of Siena
May 28: Julian of Norwich
June 25: Joan of Arc
July 23: Christina the Astonishing
August: 27: Rose of Lima
September 24: Hildegard of Bingen
October 22: Therese de Lisieux
November 26: Sojourner Truth
December 17: Florence Scoville Shin

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

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Love & Aether Priestess of Aphrodite Training - Begins 6/28
12:00 PM12:00

Love & Aether Priestess of Aphrodite Training - Begins 6/28

In the ancient world, the priestesses of Aphrodite were living embodiments of the goddess's divine attributes—love, beauty, and protection. Her mountain and ocean Temples were sanctuaries where joy, pleasure, and healing mingled with strategy, defense, and creativity. Her Priestesses graced the sacred temples with their holy presence, orchestrating ceremonies that connected the mortal world with the divine. Their duties extended beyond ritualistic practices as well; they were the custodians of Aphrodite’s sacred lands, guardians of her altars, advisers to those in positions of power, comfort to the lovelorn, and artists who called forth her blessings through prayers, songs, and dances that pulsed with ecstatic fervor. Each ritual they performed was a symphony of devotion, designed to invoke the goddess and infuse the world with her celestial grace.

If you are ready to walk the path of the modern Oread, Mountain Priestess of Aphrodite, the Love & Aether course with the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple offers you an opportunity to make profound and lasting connections with her mysteries in your own life and in what you offer the world. Love & Aether is a 6-week, 12-session training designed to help you awaken and re-member your timeless connection to love, beauty, creativity, and sacred consciousness as a way of life.

This course offers you the chance to build the Temple of Your Heart into something whole, holy, and magical. When you join this course, for 6 weeks you will immerse yourself in the ocean of Aphrodite’s love with:

  • 12 Live and recorded classes, each featuring a different aspect of Aphrodite based on the epithets that were attached to her Temples

  • 12 written lessons, each with beautiful images of her classical statues, quotations, and prayers. These lessons recap the in-depth information shared in the class, with history, profiles of historical women who embodied Aphrodite’s powers in our world, profiles of her ancient Temples and their importance, and homework assignments to help you awaken your deep inner knowing of Aphrodite’s love, beauty, and power

  • At the end of the course, each student has a personal one-on-one meeting with the course instructor, Priestess Yeshe Meryemana Matthews Robles, to help you illuminate and fine-tune your personal approach to working with Aphrodite at your altar and as a Priestess of her mysteries in the world.

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Portraits of the Goddess Within - 7/5/25
1:00 PM13:00

Portraits of the Goddess Within - 7/5/25

Portrait of the Goddess Within: Seasonal Self Portraits

Summer Session
July 5, 2025
1-2:30pm Pacific
Classes via Zoom

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

An empowering online photography class led by the priestess Linda M. Toki. Meeting four times: spring, summer, fall and winter between 2025-26, this class is designed to help women explore their inner strength and beauty through the art of portrait photography in conjunction with a goddess or goddesses they wish to embody. With a focus on capturing the essence of the “goddess within,” participants will delve into essential photography techniques such as lighting, composition, and the use of color. The course explores both indoor and outdoor backgrounds, encouraging women to experiment with settings that enhance their best attributes. Additionally, participants will have the chance to explore the creative possibilities of costuming to bring their goddess-inspired visions to life.

In the summer class of Portrait of the Goddess Within, we will make use of the array of vibrant greens and golden light and the blue hour, sunsets and sunrises, and rain, drawing inspiration from summer, sun or fire related goddesses to create these self-portraits. What goddess speaks to you about the life-giving sun, passion, or growing crops?

The class will touch on a variety of gear, from professional DSLR cameras to iPhones. Linda will guide students through posing techniques that flatter their subjects and help convey emotion and personality as well as the nature of the goddess they will portray if they choose to. She will also introduce editing techniques, showcasing popular programs and user-friendly apps to enhance and refine images. Whether you're a seasoned photographer looking to expand your skills or a beginner aiming to capture inspiring portraits, Portrait of the Goddess Within promises a journey of fun, creativity and self-expression. 

Linda M. Toki

Priestess Linda is a multifaceted leader and artist deeply rooted in her local community of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. As a Skydancer Priestess with the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple, she brings a wealth of experience and passion to her spiritual practices. Currently enrolled in the Via Carmen Pythia program, she has been reading tarot since 2014, enriching her connection to divination, intuition and guidance. With her expertise as a reiki master and mesa carrier in the Andean tradition, Linda creates a unique blend of healing and spirituality. She’s also ordained by the Universal Life Church, where she performs handfasting ceremonies.

As the creatrix of Gettysburg Goddesses, Linda fosters women’s spirituality through rituals, ceremonies, and community activities. Her leadership has helped expand the organization following her completion of the Mount Shasta “Raise the Temple” program.

After a 33-year career in federal government service with the Farm Credit Administration, where she excelled as an award-winning graphic designer and photographer, Linda retired in 2020. Her educational background includes a BS in Education from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, where she majored in Art Education and minored in Art History.

Linda's commitment to community engagement is evident through her involvement with groups like WE Women Empowered and Businesswomen Influencing Gettysburg, and in her role as a board member for the Gettysburg Community Theater.

A lifelong photographer inspired by the beauty of the Western Pennsylvania, her love for nature shines through in her artistic work, particularly in the sacred imagery of birds within her goddess mandala. Linda hopes to inspire and uplift those around her through her artistic projects and spiritual assistance.

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RuneSong: Weaving the Feminine in Stone - Begins 7/9/25
6:00 PM18:00

RuneSong: Weaving the Feminine in Stone - Begins 7/9/25

Step into the world of the runes…

…ancient symbols of insight, guidance, and transformation. In this class, we journey into Norse tradition through a feminine lens, weaving goddess stories, folklore, and the mysteries of the divine feminine into each rune.

Wednesdays July 9-Dec 17
6pm Pacific
Investment: Sliding Scale $60-$80 USD / month x 6 months
Sign up at 
albertagoddesstemple.ca/classes to secure your spot.

Questions? DM on Instagram @albertagoddesstemple or email info@albertagoddesstemple.ca

Through storytelling, meditation, and hands-on exploration, you’ll connect with the unique energy of each rune and learn to interpret their messages in harmony with the wisdom of the goddesses and the cycles of the earth.

What You’ll Discover:

• The history, mythology, and feminine aspects of the runes

• Rune meanings brought to life through goddess stories and folktales

• Techniques for rune casting, meditation, and personal guidance

• Using runes in rituals, spells, and daily practices honoring the divine feminine

Whether you’re new to runes or looking to deepen your connection, this class offers an empowering, feminine-centered approach to this ancient wisdom.

Flora Lunaria

Priestess Flora Lunaria is a Canadian goddess devotee, storyteller, and creatrix of the Alberta Goddess Temple—a sacred space for women to gather, heal, and transform. With over 20 years on the goddess path, Flora weaves storytelling, myth, and ritual to guide women in reconnecting with their inner power and the cycles of the earth. Living on a small farm, she keeps bees, tends the land, and shares her space with a menagerie of beautiful humans and animals who inspire her work. A bone mother, spell weaver, and animist, Flora is rooted in the womb of Mother Earth and believes women are the keepers of ancient wisdom and the bearers of a deep magic that can heal the world.

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Full Moon Mandala Ceremony - 7/10/25
7:00 PM19:00

Full Moon Mandala Ceremony - 7/10/25

The Outer Mandala: Full Moon Goddess Devotions

Every Full Moon in 2025, join Priestess Yeshe for one-hour devotional ceremonies honoring the Outer Mandala of the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple: 12 Goddesses and sacred beings that Yeshe has worked with for over 20 years.

January 13 - Prajnaparamita
February 13 - Kuan Yin
March 13 - Arya Tara
April 11 - Aphrodite
May 11 - Oshun
June 11 - Black Madonna
July 10 - Baba Yaga
August 9 - Isis
September 7 - Magu & Xi Wangmu
October 6 - Hekate
November 5 - Santa Muerte
December 4 - Deer Mother

In each ceremony, we will learn about the Goddess of this Moon Cycle, make offerings, share gratitudes, receive energetic blessings, perform divination, and connect with the fulfilling, activating, and clarifying energy of the Full Moon.

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

Yeshe Meryemana Matthews Robles

Priestess Yeshe was born on the Full Moon, and has always held a deep love for the magic of the lunar cycle. She has been hosting online and in-person ceremonies for women since 2004. Her rituals are simple, heartfelt, and joyful, and she holds space for women to find their voices and bring their dreams to life.

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Lotus Reiki Circle - 7/12/25
9:00 AM09:00

Lotus Reiki Circle - 7/12/25

The Lotus Reiki Collective is a group of Reiki Masters and students within the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple working with a specialized form of Goddess Reiki.

The group meets every Second Saturday at:

9am Pacific
10am Mountain
11am Central
12pm Eastern
5pm UK

In our one-hour gatherings we study topics in the field of reiki healing, send reiki to those who submit petitions on our web page, and lift reiki to support the well-being of our entire community. Click here to submit a Reiki Request.

Our study topics in 2025 include:

January- Yeshe - Matriarchal Roots of Reiki
February- Cris Rose-Reiki and the Heart Chakra
March- Aislin- Reiki and Sisterhood Circles
April- Cris Rose-Reiki and Sacral Chakra; Healing Sexual Trauma
May- Yeshe- Reiki Essences (Gem Elixirs)
June- Aislin-Reiki and Religious Beliefs
July- Cris Rose-Reiki and Crystal Healing
August- Aislin-How to Set Up a Reiki Practice
September- Aislin-Reiki and Herbs
October- TBA-Reiki and End of Life
November- Yeshe-Your Reiki Guides
December- Allison-Reiki and Psychedelics

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

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Witch Crafting - 7/13/25
1:00 PM13:00

Witch Crafting - 7/13/25

Each month, join the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple for hands-on creative gatherings to explore magical arts and sacred crafts inspired by earth-based spirituality and goddess traditions. Create tools, deepen your practice, and celebrate the cycles of nature in a welcoming sisterhood. Perfect for all skill levels, these classes spark creativity and weave magic into everyday life.

Alchemy in Bloom - Impressions of Nature on Cloth
Sunday, July 13, 2025
1pm Pacific
Online via Zoom
Hosted by: Priestess Flora

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

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Serpentina: Magic of Snakes Class - Begins 7/14/25
6:00 PM18:00

Serpentina: Magic of Snakes Class - Begins 7/14/25

Uncoil the secrets of the snake and its medicine in “Serpentina: Myth, Magic, and the Cosmic Matrix.” Are you ready to explore the ancient, timeless magic of serpents as symbols of transformation, wisdom, and the pathways of universal life force? 

Across cultures and generations, the image of the snake signifies our relationship to existence. This class is a journey through the realms of fierce goddesses like Kali, Medusa, and Wadjet (among many others) whose serpentine imagery shaped narratives, civilizations, and spiritual traditions for millennia. 

In this course Priestesses Devanna and Yeshe will guide you through the many-layered realms of snake magic, revealing how the serpent’s energy flows timelessly through the universe—awakening our instinctive power, intuition, and deep spiritual insight. Whether you are drawn to ancient mysticism or contemporary magic, “Serpentina” will teach you how to see through the glittering cosmic eye, and to wind your way naturally along your own mystical path. 

More information and registration here!

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Goddess Spotting Monthly Group
6:00 PM18:00

Goddess Spotting Monthly Group

Come join us online each third Tuesday of the month to deepen your connection with the temple Goddesses with Priestess Cris Rose by using brainspotting, which is a brain-based modality involving gazing at images or certain areas within your line of vision. This can help to release emotions, bring in calm and expand the synaptic brain connections. We will use the beautiful temple Goddess images designed by Priestess Devanna Wolf as an entry point. Experience self-attunement as we connect within and group attunement with our community at The Mount Shasta Goddess Temple. You will also be guided through relaxing hypnotherapy mediation to experience the energy and imagery of the monthly Goddesses.

No prior experience in brainspotting is necessary as you will be guided through the process.

4/15 Aphrodite

5/20 Oshun

6/17 Black Madonna

7/15 Baba Yaga

8/19 Isis

9/16 Magu

10/21 Hecate

11/18 Santa Muerte

12/15 Deer Mother

Priestess Cris Rose

Priestess Cris Rose is a Psychotherapist, Reiki Master Teacher and Priestess with the Mt. Shasta Goddess Temple. She is the owner of The Blooming Soul in Roseville, California where she combines her love for Reiki energy healing and holistic therapy to offer a creative approach to your healing and spiritual needs utilizing modalities such as brainspotting, somatic therapy, mindfulness, hypnotherapy and expressive arts. She specializes in helping women navigate life transitions, grief and loss, and spirituality. She helps you heal, see your beauty and re-awaken your true self in personal sessions and group offerings. Priestess Cris has over 25 years of teaching experience. She holds beautiful loving space, fosters community and honors connection with the Goddess. Come tend your magical garden with Cristi and learn to balance your mind, body and spirit.
Website: www.thebloomingsoul916.com
IG & FB: thebloomingsoul916

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Order of the Black Madonna 7/23/25
7:00 PM19:00

Order of the Black Madonna 7/23/25

A monthly devotional honoring the Black Madonna, Our Lady of Magic.

The Order of the Black Madonna is a holy order within the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple devoted to the Great Dark Mother known by many names: Mitochondrial Eve, Au Set, Isis, Gaia, Cybele, Our Lady of Czestochowa, Santa Muerte, Sara la Kali, Our Lady of Monserrat, and others.

We gather every 4th Wednesday to perform a community ceremony in which we lift the petitions submitted to us through our website, and we study a new face of the Divine Mother. Click here to submit a Prayer Request.

In 2025, our theme is Mystic Saints.

Jan 22: Mary Magdalene
Feb 26: Anne Catherine Emmerich
March 26: Catherine of Genoa
April 23: Catherine of Siena
May 28: Julian of Norwich
June 25: Joan of Arc
July 23: Christina the Astonishing
August: 27: Rose of Lima
September 24: Hildegard of Bingen
October 22: Therese de Lisieux
November 26: Sojourner Truth
December 17: Florence Scoville Shin

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

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New Moon Mandala Ceremony - 7/24/25
7:00 PM19:00

New Moon Mandala Ceremony - 7/24/25

The Inner Mandala: New Moon Goddess Devotions

In 2025, Priestess Yeshe offers one-hour New Moon devotional ceremonies honoring 12 Goddesses new to the Mandala of the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple:

January 29 - Gaea
February 27 - Potnia Theron
March 28 - Artimpasa
April 27 - Kurukulla
May 25 - Hathor
June 24 - Atargatis
July 24 - Sulis Minerva
August 22 - Matar Kubileya
September 20 - Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, Menat
October 20 - The Serpent Circle
November 19 - Nyx
December 18 - Seshat

In each ceremony, we will learn about the Goddess of this Moon Cycle, make offerings, create workings, perform divination, and connect with the nourishing, protective, and mysterious energy of the New Moon.

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

Yeshe Meryemana Matthews Robles

Priestess Yeshe was born on the Full Moon, and has always held a deep love for the magic of the lunar cycle. She has been hosting online and in-person ceremonies for women since 2004. Her rituals are simple, heartfelt, and joyful, and she holds space for women to find their voices and bring their dreams to life.

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Lotus Reiki Circle - 8/9/25
9:00 AM09:00

Lotus Reiki Circle - 8/9/25

The Lotus Reiki Collective is a group of Reiki Masters and students within the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple working with a specialized form of Goddess Reiki.

The group meets every Second Saturday at:

9am Pacific
10am Mountain
11am Central
12pm Eastern
5pm UK

In our one-hour gatherings we study topics in the field of reiki healing, send reiki to those who submit petitions on our web page, and lift reiki to support the well-being of our entire community. Click here to submit a Reiki Request.

Our study topics in 2025 include:

January- Yeshe - Matriarchal Roots of Reiki
February- Cris Rose-Reiki and the Heart Chakra
March- Aislin- Reiki and Sisterhood Circles
April- Cris Rose-Reiki and Sacral Chakra; Healing Sexual Trauma
May- Yeshe- Reiki Essences (Gem Elixirs)
June- Aislin-Reiki and Religious Beliefs
July- Cris Rose-Reiki and Crystal Healing
August- Aislin-How to Set Up a Reiki Practice
September- Aislin-Reiki and Herbs
October- TBA-Reiki and End of Life
November- Yeshe-Your Reiki Guides
December- Allison-Reiki and Psychedelics

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

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Full Moon Mandala Ceremony - 8/9/25
7:00 PM19:00

Full Moon Mandala Ceremony - 8/9/25

The Outer Mandala: Full Moon Goddess Devotions

Every Full Moon in 2025, join Priestess Yeshe for one-hour devotional ceremonies honoring the Outer Mandala of the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple: 12 Goddesses and sacred beings that Yeshe has worked with for over 20 years.

January 13 - Prajnaparamita
February 13 - Kuan Yin
March 13 - Arya Tara
April 11 - Aphrodite
May 11 - Oshun
June 11 - Black Madonna
July 10 - Baba Yaga
August 9 - Isis
September 7 - Magu & Xi Wangmu
October 6 - Hekate
November 5 - Santa Muerte
December 4 - Deer Mother

In each ceremony, we will learn about the Goddess of this Moon Cycle, make offerings, share gratitudes, receive energetic blessings, perform divination, and connect with the fulfilling, activating, and clarifying energy of the Full Moon.

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

Yeshe Meryemana Matthews Robles

Priestess Yeshe was born on the Full Moon, and has always held a deep love for the magic of the lunar cycle. She has been hosting online and in-person ceremonies for women since 2004. Her rituals are simple, heartfelt, and joyful, and she holds space for women to find their voices and bring their dreams to life.

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Witch Crafting - 8/10/25
1:00 PM13:00

Witch Crafting - 8/10/25

Each month, join the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple for hands-on creative gatherings to explore magical arts and sacred crafts inspired by earth-based spirituality and goddess traditions. Create tools, deepen your practice, and celebrate the cycles of nature in a welcoming sisterhood. Perfect for all skill levels, these classes spark creativity and weave magic into everyday life.

Sacred Scent & Perfumery
Sunday, August 10, 2025
1pm Pacific
Online via Zoom
Hosted by: Priestess Yeshe

For over 20 years, Yeshe has been a professional perfumer, making signature scents for the Goddesses using herbs, essential oils, synthetic fragrances, and floral waters. In this workshop, she will share all of the tips and tricks she has gathered from experience to help you design beautiful, evocative scents that are classic and modern at the same time. You don’t need any special items other than a way to take notes. Yeshe will suggest resources and suppliers in her talk so that after the workshop you can get what you need to make your own gorgeous blends!

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

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Goddess Reiki Retreat
to Aug 17

Goddess Reiki Retreat

  • Google Calendar ICS

For Women Mystics

From August 15-17, The Mount Shasta Goddess Temple and The Blooming Lotus invite you to a beautiful retreat for Reiki Masters who work with Goddesses & the Sacred Feminine in Mount Shasta.

By invoking goddesses such as Kuan Yin, Isis, or Brigid, we can channel nurturing, protective, and transformative forces to guide our clients toward deeper emotional, spiritual, and physical healing. Our retreat will focus on restoring balance within the energy body, awakening the intuitive and creative powers that reside in all beings, and honoring the sacred cycles of life. Through this work, we can grow in our practice and help clients connect with primal feminine wisdom, cultivating a sense of wholeness, empowerment, and connection to the Earth and cosmos.

Priestesses Cris Rose and Yeshe look forward to working with you to deepen your Reiki practice by exploring its matriarchal roots, communing with the Goddesses, and creating unique lineage attunements and practices for your students and clients.

Interested in this Retreat but not yet a Reiki Master? You have time to be fully attuned before August with our online Goddess Reiki training!

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Goddess Spotting Monthly Group
6:00 PM18:00

Goddess Spotting Monthly Group

Come join us online each third Tuesday of the month to deepen your connection with the temple Goddesses with Priestess Cris Rose by using brainspotting, which is a brain-based modality involving gazing at images or certain areas within your line of vision. This can help to release emotions, bring in calm and expand the synaptic brain connections. We will use the beautiful temple Goddess images designed by Priestess Devanna Wolf as an entry point. Experience self-attunement as we connect within and group attunement with our community at The Mount Shasta Goddess Temple. You will also be guided through relaxing hypnotherapy mediation to experience the energy and imagery of the monthly Goddesses.

No prior experience in brainspotting is necessary as you will be guided through the process.

4/15 Aphrodite

5/20 Oshun

6/17 Black Madonna

7/15 Baba Yaga

8/19 Isis

9/16 Magu

10/21 Hecate

11/18 Santa Muerte

12/15 Deer Mother

Priestess Cris Rose

Priestess Cris Rose is a Psychotherapist, Reiki Master Teacher and Priestess with the Mt. Shasta Goddess Temple. She is the owner of The Blooming Soul in Roseville, California where she combines her love for Reiki energy healing and holistic therapy to offer a creative approach to your healing and spiritual needs utilizing modalities such as brainspotting, somatic therapy, mindfulness, hypnotherapy and expressive arts. She specializes in helping women navigate life transitions, grief and loss, and spirituality. She helps you heal, see your beauty and re-awaken your true self in personal sessions and group offerings. Priestess Cris has over 25 years of teaching experience. She holds beautiful loving space, fosters community and honors connection with the Goddess. Come tend your magical garden with Cristi and learn to balance your mind, body and spirit.
Website: www.thebloomingsoul916.com
IG & FB: thebloomingsoul916

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Psyche: Deep Dive into the Goddess of Souls  8/21/25
5:00 PM17:00

Psyche: Deep Dive into the Goddess of Souls 8/21/25

Psyche is the mortal princess turn goddess who falls in love with the God Eros, aka Cupid while believing him to be a beast. The original Beauty and the Beast story, Psyche’s journey to become the goddess of souls is an epic love story told over and over again.

In this class will explore:

  • Psyche’s story and why it calls to us

  • Her symbols and associations

  • Her trials to win Eros back 

  • Psyche metamorphosis and how it relates to us

  • And, how to work with and connect to Psyche

Register at wytchyreader.com

Priestess Shaylee

Shaylee Ayele has been a practicing eclectic witch for over 20 years. A member of Beachfyre Coven, she has been the First Officer of Everglades Moon Local Council, the local Florida chapter of Covenant of the Goddes. She is also a 2nd Degree Georgian, a Faerie Seership Apprentice, and a Sibyl of the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple. She is a guidance reader that works with multiple modalities and has written and led rituals, meditations, and workshops at festivals and metaphysical stores. Shaylee has been working intuitively with several forms of divination for over 10 years and a student of Tarot for more than 5 years She is a professional reader in Miami, FL via her website wytchyreader.com. As an intuitive guidance reader, Shaylee will be able to help lead you through various questions about life paths, careers, relationships, and more.

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New Moon Mandala Ceremony - 8/22/25
7:00 PM19:00

New Moon Mandala Ceremony - 8/22/25

The Inner Mandala: New Moon Goddess Devotions

In 2025, Priestess Yeshe offers one-hour New Moon devotional ceremonies honoring 12 Goddesses new to the Mandala of the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple:

January 29 - Gaea
February 27 - Potnia Theron
March 28 - Artimpasa
April 27 - Kurukulla
May 25 - Hathor
June 24 - Atargatis
July 24 - Sulis Minerva
August 22 - Matar Kubileya
September 20 - Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, Menat
October 20 - The Serpent Circle
November 19 - Nyx
December 18 - Seshat

In each ceremony, we will learn about the Goddess of this Moon Cycle, make offerings, create workings, perform divination, and connect with the nourishing, protective, and mysterious energy of the New Moon.

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

Yeshe Meryemana Matthews Robles

Priestess Yeshe was born on the Full Moon, and has always held a deep love for the magic of the lunar cycle. She has been hosting online and in-person ceremonies for women since 2004. Her rituals are simple, heartfelt, and joyful, and she holds space for women to find their voices and bring their dreams to life.

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Order of the Black Madonna 8/27/25
7:00 PM19:00

Order of the Black Madonna 8/27/25

A monthly devotional honoring the Black Madonna, Our Lady of Magic.

The Order of the Black Madonna is a holy order within the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple devoted to the Great Dark Mother known by many names: Mitochondrial Eve, Au Set, Isis, Gaia, Cybele, Our Lady of Czestochowa, Santa Muerte, Sara la Kali, Our Lady of Monserrat, and others.

We gather every 4th Wednesday to perform a community ceremony in which we lift the petitions submitted to us through our website, and we study a new face of the Divine Mother. Click here to submit a Prayer Request.

In 2025, our theme is Mystic Saints.

Jan 22: Mary Magdalene
Feb 26: Anne Catherine Emmerich
March 26: Catherine of Genoa
April 23: Catherine of Siena
May 28: Julian of Norwich
June 25: Joan of Arc
July 23: Christina the Astonishing
August: 27: Rose of Lima
September 24: Hildegard of Bingen
October 22: Therese de Lisieux
November 26: Sojourner Truth
December 17: Florence Scoville Shin

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

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Yemaya Devotional - 9/6/25
1:00 PM13:00

Yemaya Devotional - 9/6/25

Down By the Seaside

The Yemaya Devotional event will begin with a short lesson on the history and meaning of the orisha Yemaya within the Afro-Diasporic Lucumi tradition.  There are many Afro-Diasporic traditions, and Lucumi is the energetic current centered in Cuba, the Caribbean, and Miami.  After exploring the evolution of the orisha known as the Mother of Fishes, and the Mother of all other orisha, we will discuss our personal devotional practices for Yemaya and Rayna will suggest simple ways to honor and draw closer to Yemaya that do not tread on initiated practices.  This devotional event is an opportunity to share our love for the Ocean Mother the day before people all over the world honor Yemaya, and to think about how our devotional actions can be connected to ocean advocacy.  As a long time child of Yemaya, I have been encouraged by my Lucumi teachers to share my love of the Mother with the wider world, and for anyone who has been called by the orisha or ocean deities, this Working will provide you with a deeper understanding of orisha practice and strengthen your connection to the Ocean and Her creatures.  Register at www.raynatemplebee.com, zoom link will be sent upon registration.

Rayna Templebee

Rev. Rayna Templebee is a Skydancer Priestess and member of the Mt Shasta Goddess Temple.  Rayna is a daughter of the Ocean Mother, High Priestess of Beachfyre Coven, and an aboricha in a Lucumi house.  She calls the fabulous and crazy environment of tropical Miami, Florida her home, and works to build earth wisdom affirming community across traditions.  Reverend Rayna holds ministerial credentials through the Covenant of the Goddess and offers rites of passage to queer, polyamorous, and other free-thinking humans, she is an accomplished ritualist who loves to create moments of sacredness for one, two, or two hundred humans.  Rayna was raised in a family that speaks with plants and through gardening and beekeeping she seeks to help heal the wound between humans and our green world. In 2021 she co-founded Summer Magick Fest, a hotel-based convention and celebration of earth goddess centered spirituality, held every summer in Orlando, Florida. Learn more about her spiritual practice and teaching at www.raynatemplebee.com.

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Full Moon Mandala Ceremony - 9/7/25
7:00 PM19:00

Full Moon Mandala Ceremony - 9/7/25

The Outer Mandala: Full Moon Goddess Devotions

Every Full Moon in 2025, join Priestess Yeshe for one-hour devotional ceremonies honoring the Outer Mandala of the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple: 12 Goddesses and sacred beings that Yeshe has worked with for over 20 years.

January 13 - Prajnaparamita
February 13 - Kuan Yin
March 13 - Arya Tara
April 11 - Aphrodite
May 11 - Oshun
June 11 - Black Madonna
July 10 - Baba Yaga
August 9 - Isis
September 7 - Magu & Xi Wangmu
October 6 - Hekate
November 5 - Santa Muerte
December 4 - Deer Mother

In each ceremony, we will learn about the Goddess of this Moon Cycle, make offerings, share gratitudes, receive energetic blessings, perform divination, and connect with the fulfilling, activating, and clarifying energy of the Full Moon.

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

Yeshe Meryemana Matthews Robles

Priestess Yeshe was born on the Full Moon, and has always held a deep love for the magic of the lunar cycle. She has been hosting online and in-person ceremonies for women since 2004. Her rituals are simple, heartfelt, and joyful, and she holds space for women to find their voices and bring their dreams to life.

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Lotus Reiki Circle - 9/13/25
9:00 AM09:00

Lotus Reiki Circle - 9/13/25

The Lotus Reiki Collective is a group of Reiki Masters and students within the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple working with a specialized form of Goddess Reiki.

The group meets every Second Saturday at:

9am Pacific
10am Mountain
11am Central
12pm Eastern
5pm UK

In our one-hour gatherings we study topics in the field of reiki healing, send reiki to those who submit petitions on our web page, and lift reiki to support the well-being of our entire community. Click here to submit a Reiki Request.

Our study topics in 2025 include:

January- Yeshe - Matriarchal Roots of Reiki
February- Cris Rose-Reiki and the Heart Chakra
March- Aislin- Reiki and Sisterhood Circles
April- Cris Rose-Reiki and Sacral Chakra; Healing Sexual Trauma
May- Yeshe- Reiki Essences (Gem Elixirs)
June- Aislin-Reiki and Religious Beliefs
July- Cris Rose-Reiki and Crystal Healing
August- Aislin-How to Set Up a Reiki Practice
September- Aislin-Reiki and Herbs
October- TBA-Reiki and End of Life
November- Yeshe-Your Reiki Guides
December- Allison-Reiki and Psychedelics

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

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Witch Crafting - 9/14/25
1:00 PM13:00

Witch Crafting - 9/14/25

Each month, join the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple for hands-on creative gatherings to explore magical arts and sacred crafts inspired by earth-based spirituality and goddess traditions. Create tools, deepen your practice, and celebrate the cycles of nature in a welcoming sisterhood. Perfect for all skill levels, these classes spark creativity and weave magic into everyday life.

Crafting a Wild Broom
Sunday, Sept 14, 2025
1pm Pacific
Online via Zoom
Hosted by: Priestess Devanna

Priestess Devanna will demonstrate and walk you through how to make a simple ritual or decorative broom from foraged materials including fallen sticks, evergreen needles, grasses, and other botanicals. In addition to the botanicals, you will need a ball of twine or string, sturdy scissors, and a wide rubber band (like you get on vegetables). Bonus if you have a pair of yard clippers and a glue gun! You may want to decorate your broom with small charms, bells, or beads.

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

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Goddess Spotting Monthly Group
6:00 PM18:00

Goddess Spotting Monthly Group

Come join us online each third Tuesday of the month to deepen your connection with the temple Goddesses with Priestess Cris Rose by using brainspotting, which is a brain-based modality involving gazing at images or certain areas within your line of vision. This can help to release emotions, bring in calm and expand the synaptic brain connections. We will use the beautiful temple Goddess images designed by Priestess Devanna Wolf as an entry point. Experience self-attunement as we connect within and group attunement with our community at The Mount Shasta Goddess Temple. You will also be guided through relaxing hypnotherapy mediation to experience the energy and imagery of the monthly Goddesses.

No prior experience in brainspotting is necessary as you will be guided through the process.

4/15 Aphrodite

5/20 Oshun

6/17 Black Madonna

7/15 Baba Yaga

8/19 Isis

9/16 Magu

10/21 Hecate

11/18 Santa Muerte

12/15 Deer Mother

Priestess Cris Rose

Priestess Cris Rose is a Psychotherapist, Reiki Master Teacher and Priestess with the Mt. Shasta Goddess Temple. She is the owner of The Blooming Soul in Roseville, California where she combines her love for Reiki energy healing and holistic therapy to offer a creative approach to your healing and spiritual needs utilizing modalities such as brainspotting, somatic therapy, mindfulness, hypnotherapy and expressive arts. She specializes in helping women navigate life transitions, grief and loss, and spirituality. She helps you heal, see your beauty and re-awaken your true self in personal sessions and group offerings. Priestess Cris has over 25 years of teaching experience. She holds beautiful loving space, fosters community and honors connection with the Goddess. Come tend your magical garden with Cristi and learn to balance your mind, body and spirit.
Website: www.thebloomingsoul916.com
IG & FB: thebloomingsoul916

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Seiðr + Stone Völva Training- Begins 9/16/25
6:00 PM18:00

Seiðr + Stone Völva Training- Begins 9/16/25

Honoring the Feminine Path of the Völva

Sept 16 2025 - November 11 2025 
Tuesdays @ 6pm Pacific / 7pm Mountain
$249 USD / Payment plans available
Sign up at albertagoddesstemple.ca/classes to secure your spot.
Questions? DM on Instagram @albertagoddesstemple or email info@albertagoddesstemple.ca

Seiðr + Stone is a 9-week journey into the traditions of the Norse Völva, uncovering the often-overlooked feminine aspects of Northern magic. Together, we’ll explore seiðr practices like journeying, prophecy, and spirit connection through the lens of goddess stories, the Völuspá, and the Eddas. We’ll dive into the history and meaning of the Völva’s sacred tools—such as the staff, seiðr platform, and stones—then engage creatively by crafting and consecrating them, infusing each with personal intention for our own practices.

The most famous poem about a Volva is the Völuspá from the Poetic Edda, where Odin summons the spirit of a deceased Volva to reveal the story of creation and the end of the world. She says:

"I see the beginning of the world, I see the end of the gods, I see the coming of the great winter."

The Völva is the seer and wise woman of Norse tradition, wielding the sacred tools of Seiðr magic and earth-based spirituality. Over nine weeks, this hands-on course invites you to craft, learn, and practice using these ancient tools in your modern spiritual practice.

We will focus on the different tools of the Völva, blending creation with practice, including: 1

Weaving, Spinning, and Threads of Intention: Learn to weave your intentions into the fabric of fate.

Spirit and Veil: Explore the veil between worlds to deepen your connection with spirit.

Seiðstafr & Seiðhjallr (Staff and Seat): Craft and use these sacred implements for ritual and magic.

Voice / Galdr: Harness the power of sound and sacred song for spellwork and energy weaving.

Gandrsekkja (Seiðr Pouch): Create a magical pouch to hold your tools and personal power.

Seiðstein (Seiðr Stones) and Bones: Work with stones and bones for divination and healing.

Working with the Dísir: Honor and connect with the ancestral feminine spirits.

Each class is recorded for ease of access, and our circle will be supported by a Facebook group for shared wisdom and kinship. As with all Alberta Goddess Temple offerings, payment plans are available. Join us, Sister, to honor the stones and stories beneath our feet, reclaim the ancient tools of the Völva, and awaken her power within you. 

This course combines storytelling, ritual, and hands-on creation to help you build a deeper connection to the earth, the feminine divine, and your own inner wisdom. Join us for a journey of crafting, learning, and becoming.

Flora Lunaria

Canadian goddess devotee, storyteller, and creatrix of the Alberta Goddess Temple—a sacred space for women to gather, heal, and transform.

With over 20 years on the goddess path, Flora weaves storytelling, myth, and ritual to guide women in reconnecting with their inner power and the cycles of the earth.

Living on a small farm, she keeps bees, tends the land, and shares her space with a menagerie of beautiful humans and animals who inspire her work.

A bone mother, spell weaver, and animist, Flora is rooted in the womb of Mother Earth and believes women are the keepers of ancient wisdom and the bearers of a deep magic that can heal the world.

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New Moon Mandala Ceremony - 9/20/25
7:00 PM19:00

New Moon Mandala Ceremony - 9/20/25

The Inner Mandala: New Moon Goddess Devotions

In 2025, Priestess Yeshe offers one-hour New Moon devotional ceremonies honoring 12 Goddesses new to the Mandala of the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple:

January 29 - Gaea
February 27 - Potnia Theron
March 28 - Artimpasa
April 27 - Kurukulla
May 25 - Hathor
June 24 - Atargatis
July 24 - Sulis Minerva
August 22 - Matar Kubileya
September 20 - Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, Menat
October 20 - The Serpent Circle
November 19 - Nyx
December 18 - Seshat

In each ceremony, we will learn about the Goddess of this Moon Cycle, make offerings, create workings, perform divination, and connect with the nourishing, protective, and mysterious energy of the New Moon.

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

Yeshe Meryemana Matthews Robles

Priestess Yeshe was born on the Full Moon, and has always held a deep love for the magic of the lunar cycle. She has been hosting online and in-person ceremonies for women since 2004. Her rituals are simple, heartfelt, and joyful, and she holds space for women to find their voices and bring their dreams to life.

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Order of the Black Madonna 9/24/25
7:00 PM19:00

Order of the Black Madonna 9/24/25

A monthly devotional honoring the Black Madonna, Our Lady of Magic.

The Order of the Black Madonna is a holy order within the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple devoted to the Great Dark Mother known by many names: Mitochondrial Eve, Au Set, Isis, Gaia, Cybele, Our Lady of Czestochowa, Santa Muerte, Sara la Kali, Our Lady of Monserrat, and others.

We gather every 4th Wednesday to perform a community ceremony in which we lift the petitions submitted to us through our website, and we study a new face of the Divine Mother. Click here to submit a Prayer Request.

In 2025, our theme is Mystic Saints.

Jan 22: Mary Magdalene
Feb 26: Anne Catherine Emmerich
March 26: Catherine of Genoa
April 23: Catherine of Siena
May 28: Julian of Norwich
June 25: Joan of Arc
July 23: Christina the Astonishing
August: 27: Rose of Lima
September 24: Hildegard of Bingen
October 22: Therese de Lisieux
November 26: Sojourner Truth
December 17: Florence Scoville Shin

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

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Inanna’s Descent - Begins 9/26/25
6:00 PM18:00

Inanna’s Descent - Begins 9/26/25

A Journey of Release, Renewal, and Rebirth

Inanna’s Descent: A Journey of Release, Renewal, and Rebirth
Classes Online
Sept 26 2025 - October 17 2025 
Fridays @ 6pm Pacific / 7pm Mountain
Sign up at 
albertagoddesstemple.ca/classes to secure your spot.
Questions? DM on Instagram 
@albertagoddesstemple or email info@albertagoddesstemple.ca

Step into the ancient story of Inanna’s descent, one of the oldest written tales in human history. This powerful Sumerian goddess offers a timeless lesson of transformation as she bravely journeys into the underworld, shedding layers, facing shadows, and emerging renewed. Her story, though thousands of years old, speaks directly to the challenges and opportunities of our modern lives, inviting us to explore our own depths and reclaim the light waiting on the other side.

Over four weeks, we will walk Inanna’s path, moving through the seven gates of release and rebirth. Together, we’ll reflect on personal boundaries, let go of fears that hold us back, and rediscover parts of ourselves that have been hidden or forgotten. Through storytelling, ritual, journaling, and the support of a nurturing community, you’ll find the courage to descend, release what no longer serves, and rise into your truest self.

Classes are recorded for ease and flexibility, with a private Facebook group for sharing wisdom and sisterhood. Payment plans are available through the Alberta Goddess Temple, ensuring this sacred journey is open to all who feel called to step into the transformative power of Inanna’s ancient wisdom.

Flora Lunaria

Canadian goddess devotee, storyteller, and creatrix of the Alberta Goddess Temple—a sacred space for women to gather, heal, and transform.

With over 20 years on the goddess path, Flora weaves storytelling, myth, and ritual to guide women in reconnecting with their inner power and the cycles of the earth.

Living on a small farm, she keeps bees, tends the land, and shares her space with a menagerie of beautiful humans and animals who inspire her work.

A bone mother, spell weaver, and animist, Flora is rooted in the womb of Mother Earth and believes women are the keepers of ancient wisdom and the bearers of a deep magic that can heal the world.

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Portraits of the Goddess Within - 10/4/25
1:00 PM13:00

Portraits of the Goddess Within - 10/4/25

Portrait of the Goddess Within: Seasonal Self Portraits

Summer Session
July 5, 2025
1-2:30pm Pacific
Classes via Zoom

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

An empowering online photography class led by the priestess Linda M. Toki. Meeting four times: spring, summer, fall and winter between 2025-26, this class is designed to help women explore their inner strength and beauty through the art of portrait photography in conjunction with a goddess or goddesses they wish to embody. With a focus on capturing the essence of the “goddess within,” participants will delve into essential photography techniques such as lighting, composition, and the use of color. The course explores both indoor and outdoor backgrounds, encouraging women to experiment with settings that enhance their best attributes. Additionally, participants will have the chance to explore the creative possibilities of costuming to bring their goddess-inspired visions to life.

In the fall session of Portrait of the Goddess Within, we will try to capture the rich, warm tones and themes of harvest or fertility, drawing inspiration from autumn goddesses and the changing landscapes to create portraits that reflect the radiant color of the season. What might taking a photo at night around a fire convey for the goddess you’ve chosen? Which goddesses represent harvest or change?

The class will touch on a variety of gear, from professional DSLR cameras to iPhones. Linda will guide students through posing techniques that flatter their subjects and help convey emotion and personality as well as the nature of the goddess they will portray if they choose to. She will also introduce editing techniques, showcasing popular programs and user-friendly apps to enhance and refine images. Whether you're a seasoned photographer looking to expand your skills or a beginner aiming to capture inspiring portraits, Portrait of the Goddess Within promises a journey of fun, creativity and self-expression. 

Linda M. Toki

Priestess Linda is a multifaceted leader and artist deeply rooted in her local community of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. As a Skydancer Priestess with the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple, she brings a wealth of experience and passion to her spiritual practices. Currently enrolled in the Via Carmen Pythia program, she has been reading tarot since 2014, enriching her connection to divination, intuition and guidance. With her expertise as a reiki master and mesa carrier in the Andean tradition, Linda creates a unique blend of healing and spirituality. She’s also ordained by the Universal Life Church, where she performs handfasting ceremonies.

As the creatrix of Gettysburg Goddesses, Linda fosters women’s spirituality through rituals, ceremonies, and community activities. Her leadership has helped expand the organization following her completion of the Mount Shasta “Raise the Temple” program.

After a 33-year career in federal government service with the Farm Credit Administration, where she excelled as an award-winning graphic designer and photographer, Linda retired in 2020. Her educational background includes a BS in Education from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, where she majored in Art Education and minored in Art History.

Linda's commitment to community engagement is evident through her involvement with groups like WE Women Empowered and Businesswomen Influencing Gettysburg, and in her role as a board member for the Gettysburg Community Theater.

A lifelong photographer inspired by the beauty of the Western Pennsylvania, her love for nature shines through in her artistic work, particularly in the sacred imagery of birds within her goddess mandala. Linda hopes to inspire and uplift those around her through her artistic projects and spiritual assistance.

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Full Moon Mandala Ceremony - 10/6/25
7:00 PM19:00

Full Moon Mandala Ceremony - 10/6/25

The Outer Mandala: Full Moon Goddess Devotions

Every Full Moon in 2025, join Priestess Yeshe for one-hour devotional ceremonies honoring the Outer Mandala of the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple: 12 Goddesses and sacred beings that Yeshe has worked with for over 20 years.

January 13 - Prajnaparamita
February 13 - Kuan Yin
March 13 - Arya Tara
April 11 - Aphrodite
May 11 - Oshun
June 11 - Black Madonna
July 10 - Baba Yaga
August 9 - Isis
September 7 - Magu & Xi Wangmu
October 6 - Hekate
November 5 - Santa Muerte
December 4 - Deer Mother

In each ceremony, we will learn about the Goddess of this Moon Cycle, make offerings, share gratitudes, receive energetic blessings, perform divination, and connect with the fulfilling, activating, and clarifying energy of the Full Moon.

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

Yeshe Meryemana Matthews Robles

Priestess Yeshe was born on the Full Moon, and has always held a deep love for the magic of the lunar cycle. She has been hosting online and in-person ceremonies for women since 2004. Her rituals are simple, heartfelt, and joyful, and she holds space for women to find their voices and bring their dreams to life.

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Lotus Reiki Circle - 10/11/25
9:00 AM09:00

Lotus Reiki Circle - 10/11/25

The Lotus Reiki Collective is a group of Reiki Masters and students within the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple working with a specialized form of Goddess Reiki.

The group meets every Second Saturday at:

9am Pacific
10am Mountain
11am Central
12pm Eastern
5pm UK

In our one-hour gatherings we study topics in the field of reiki healing, send reiki to those who submit petitions on our web page, and lift reiki to support the well-being of our entire community. Click here to submit a Reiki Request.

Our study topics in 2025 include:

January- Yeshe - Matriarchal Roots of Reiki
February- Cris Rose-Reiki and the Heart Chakra
March- Aislin- Reiki and Sisterhood Circles
April- Cris Rose-Reiki and Sacral Chakra; Healing Sexual Trauma
May- Yeshe- Reiki Essences (Gem Elixirs)
June- Aislin-Reiki and Religious Beliefs
July- Cris Rose-Reiki and Crystal Healing
August- Aislin-How to Set Up a Reiki Practice
September- Aislin-Reiki and Herbs
October- TBA-Reiki and End of Life
November- Yeshe-Your Reiki Guides
December- Allison-Reiki and Psychedelics

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

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Witch Crafting - 10/12/25
1:00 PM13:00

Witch Crafting - 10/12/25

Each month, join the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple for hands-on creative gatherings to explore magical arts and sacred crafts inspired by earth-based spirituality and goddess traditions. Create tools, deepen your practice, and celebrate the cycles of nature in a welcoming sisterhood. Perfect for all skill levels, these classes spark creativity and weave magic into everyday life.

Woven Devotion - Creating a Goddess Rosary
Sunday, Oct 12, 2025
1pm Pacific
Online via Zoom
Hosted by: Priestess Flora

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

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New Moon Mandala Ceremony - 10/20/25
7:00 PM19:00

New Moon Mandala Ceremony - 10/20/25

The Inner Mandala: New Moon Goddess Devotions

In 2025, Priestess Yeshe offers one-hour New Moon devotional ceremonies honoring 12 Goddesses new to the Mandala of the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple:

January 29 - Gaea
February 27 - Potnia Theron
March 28 - Artimpasa
April 27 - Kurukulla
May 25 - Hathor
June 24 - Atargatis
July 24 - Sulis Minerva
August 22 - Matar Kubileya
September 20 - Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, Menat
October 20 - The Serpent Circle
November 19 - Nyx
December 18 - Seshat

In each ceremony, we will learn about the Goddess of this Moon Cycle, make offerings, create workings, perform divination, and connect with the nourishing, protective, and mysterious energy of the New Moon.

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

Yeshe Meryemana Matthews Robles

Priestess Yeshe was born on the Full Moon, and has always held a deep love for the magic of the lunar cycle. She has been hosting online and in-person ceremonies for women since 2004. Her rituals are simple, heartfelt, and joyful, and she holds space for women to find their voices and bring their dreams to life.

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Goddess Spotting Monthly Group
6:00 PM18:00

Goddess Spotting Monthly Group

Come join us online each third Tuesday of the month to deepen your connection with the temple Goddesses with Priestess Cris Rose by using brainspotting, which is a brain-based modality involving gazing at images or certain areas within your line of vision. This can help to release emotions, bring in calm and expand the synaptic brain connections. We will use the beautiful temple Goddess images designed by Priestess Devanna Wolf as an entry point. Experience self-attunement as we connect within and group attunement with our community at The Mount Shasta Goddess Temple. You will also be guided through relaxing hypnotherapy mediation to experience the energy and imagery of the monthly Goddesses.

No prior experience in brainspotting is necessary as you will be guided through the process.

4/15 Aphrodite

5/20 Oshun

6/17 Black Madonna

7/15 Baba Yaga

8/19 Isis

9/16 Magu

10/21 Hecate

11/18 Santa Muerte

12/15 Deer Mother

Priestess Cris Rose

Priestess Cris Rose is a Psychotherapist, Reiki Master Teacher and Priestess with the Mt. Shasta Goddess Temple. She is the owner of The Blooming Soul in Roseville, California where she combines her love for Reiki energy healing and holistic therapy to offer a creative approach to your healing and spiritual needs utilizing modalities such as brainspotting, somatic therapy, mindfulness, hypnotherapy and expressive arts. She specializes in helping women navigate life transitions, grief and loss, and spirituality. She helps you heal, see your beauty and re-awaken your true self in personal sessions and group offerings. Priestess Cris has over 25 years of teaching experience. She holds beautiful loving space, fosters community and honors connection with the Goddess. Come tend your magical garden with Cristi and learn to balance your mind, body and spirit.
Website: www.thebloomingsoul916.com
IG & FB: thebloomingsoul916

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Order of the Black Madonna 10/22/25
7:00 PM19:00

Order of the Black Madonna 10/22/25

A monthly devotional honoring the Black Madonna, Our Lady of Magic.

The Order of the Black Madonna is a holy order within the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple devoted to the Great Dark Mother known by many names: Mitochondrial Eve, Au Set, Isis, Gaia, Cybele, Our Lady of Czestochowa, Santa Muerte, Sara la Kali, Our Lady of Monserrat, and others.

We gather every 4th Wednesday to perform a community ceremony in which we lift the petitions submitted to us through our website, and we study a new face of the Divine Mother. Click here to submit a Prayer Request.

In 2025, our theme is Mystic Saints.

Jan 22: Mary Magdalene
Feb 26: Anne Catherine Emmerich
March 26: Catherine of Genoa
April 23: Catherine of Siena
May 28: Julian of Norwich
June 25: Joan of Arc
July 23: Christina the Astonishing
August: 27: Rose of Lima
September 24: Hildegard of Bingen
October 22: Therese de Lisieux
November 26: Sojourner Truth
December 17: Florence Scoville Shin

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

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Chakra Immersion Class - Begins 10/23/25
6:00 PM18:00

Chakra Immersion Class - Begins 10/23/25

A 7-week immersion in sacred art and study of the chakras

Mondays online from 6-7 pm Pacific from October 23rd-December 11th (Skip Thanksgiving week)
$69 for 7-week class only and $139 for class and class kit materials
Sign up at www.thebloomingsoul916.com on events page

Join Priestess Cris Rose for this 7-week online class to delve deeper into each of the 7 chakras with weekly chanting practice, guided meditations, group Reiki energy healing and expressive arts activities. Make a wire poppet and learn how to use her with a crystal chakra tree in your chakra healing work. Immerse yourself in the themes and elements for each chakra during a guided hypnotherapy journey deep within your healing temple and learn therapeutic techniques for balancing, healing and expansion. Participate in expressive arts activities as a creative and deep way to work with your chakras.

Root Chakra

Make wire poppets & learn how to use them with your crystal chakra tree.
Connect with the Earth and grounding during the hypnotherapy journey.

Sacral Chakra

Learn womb healing (or emotional release) execise and connect with the element of water in hypnotherapy journey. Self-soothing and nurturing with your inner child.

Solar Plexus

Using your mirror for empowerment, reflection and protection. Connect with the element of fire, cord cutting and shine your light in hypnotherapy journey. Parts recovery activity to reclaim your power and boundary visualization.


Make a heart box and writing love notes, affirmations & gratitudes. Self-love practices and honoring grief. Connect with the element of air during the hypnotherapy journey and heart healing process and draw your heart activity.


Enliven your dreams and visions and learn a hypnotherapy manifestation technique. Connect your sacral and throat chakras to breathe life into your creations. Journaling your dreams & visions.


Discover what awaits you within your treasure box & remember that you hold the key. Hypnotherapy journey into your third eye to enhance clarity & tap into your intuition.


Bring everything together with a unifying hypnotherapy journey and rest in pure consciousness.

Class kits include materials for class & home activities:

Chakra crystal tree, chakra candle, wire, crystal bowl, golden tea light holder, little mirrors, gift box for activity, dream journal, treasure box, crystals & special gift.

Priestess Cris Rose

Priestess Cris Rose is a Psychotherapist, Reiki Master Teacher and Priestess with the Mt. Shasta Goddess Temple. She is the owner of The Blooming Soul in Roseville, California where she combines her love for Reiki energy healing and holistic therapy to offer a creative approach to your healing and spiritual needs utilizing modalities such as brainspotting, somatic therapy, mindfulness, hypnotherapy and expressive arts. She specializes in helping women navigate life transitions, grief and loss, and spirituality. She helps you heal, see your beauty and re-awaken your true self in personal sessions and group offerings. Priestess Cris has over 25 years of teaching experience. She holds beautiful loving space, fosters community and honors connection with the Goddess. Come tend your magical garden with Cristi and learn to balance your mind, body and spirit.
Website: www.thebloomingsoul916.com
IG & FB: thebloomingsoul916

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Egypt Pilgrimage: 11/4-15/25
to Nov 15

Egypt Pilgrimage: 11/4-15/25

Priestess Awakening Tour

Join us for a transformative, sacred immersion in the ancient power places of Egypt! We are journeying to the birthplace of magic and home of the Goddess of 10,000 Names to feel the mystical land beneath our feet and connect with the soul lineages of Isis, Hathor, Sekhmet and Neith.

On our journey we will explore the power of magic in its many manifestations, working consciously with the Goddesses of the Egyptian pantheon. We will descend into the energy portals of the pyramids, wash our self-limitations away in the Nile, and ignite the flame of our devotion within the temple palaces of ancient Kemet. This is a trip not to be missed, with many incredible sites along the river Nile, visits to the most iconic Egyptian temple sites, and some amazing surprises along the way!

Arrival in Cairo November 4th and depart from Luxor November 15th 2025.

Option: Extend your tour and visit Siwa with us! November 15th till November 19th 2025.

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Full Moon Mandala Ceremony - 11/5/25
7:00 PM19:00

Full Moon Mandala Ceremony - 11/5/25

The Outer Mandala: Full Moon Goddess Devotions

Every Full Moon in 2025, join Priestess Yeshe for one-hour devotional ceremonies honoring the Outer Mandala of the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple: 12 Goddesses and sacred beings that Yeshe has worked with for over 20 years.

January 13 - Prajnaparamita
February 13 - Kuan Yin
March 13 - Arya Tara
April 11 - Aphrodite
May 11 - Oshun
June 11 - Black Madonna
July 10 - Baba Yaga
August 9 - Isis
September 7 - Magu & Xi Wangmu
October 6 - Hekate
November 5 - Santa Muerte
December 4 - Deer Mother

In each ceremony, we will learn about the Goddess of this Moon Cycle, make offerings, share gratitudes, receive energetic blessings, perform divination, and connect with the fulfilling, activating, and clarifying energy of the Full Moon.

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

Yeshe Meryemana Matthews Robles

Priestess Yeshe was born on the Full Moon, and has always held a deep love for the magic of the lunar cycle. She has been hosting online and in-person ceremonies for women since 2004. Her rituals are simple, heartfelt, and joyful, and she holds space for women to find their voices and bring their dreams to life.

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Lotus Reiki Circle - 11/8/25
9:00 AM09:00

Lotus Reiki Circle - 11/8/25

The Lotus Reiki Collective is a group of Reiki Masters and students within the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple working with a specialized form of Goddess Reiki.

The group meets every Second Saturday at:

9am Pacific
10am Mountain
11am Central
12pm Eastern
5pm UK

In our one-hour gatherings we study topics in the field of reiki healing, send reiki to those who submit petitions on our web page, and lift reiki to support the well-being of our entire community. Click here to submit a Reiki Request.

Our study topics in 2025 include:

January- Yeshe - Matriarchal Roots of Reiki
February- Cris Rose-Reiki and the Heart Chakra
March- Aislin- Reiki and Sisterhood Circles
April- Cris Rose-Reiki and Sacral Chakra; Healing Sexual Trauma
May- Yeshe- Reiki Essences (Gem Elixirs)
June- Aislin-Reiki and Religious Beliefs
July- Cris Rose-Reiki and Crystal Healing
August- Aislin-How to Set Up a Reiki Practice
September- Aislin-Reiki and Herbs
October- TBA-Reiki and End of Life
November- Yeshe-Your Reiki Guides
December- Allison-Reiki and Psychedelics

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

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Witch Crafting - 11/9/25
1:00 PM13:00

Witch Crafting - 11/9/25

Each month, join the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple for hands-on creative gatherings to explore magical arts and sacred crafts inspired by earth-based spirituality and goddess traditions. Create tools, deepen your practice, and celebrate the cycles of nature in a welcoming sisterhood. Perfect for all skill levels, these classes spark creativity and weave magic into everyday life.

Winter Guardians - Crafting Marzanna Dolls
Sunday, Nov 9, 2025
1pm Pacific
Online via Zoom
Hosted by: Priestess Jayme

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

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Goddess Spotting Monthly Group
6:00 PM18:00

Goddess Spotting Monthly Group

Come join us online each third Tuesday of the month to deepen your connection with the temple Goddesses with Priestess Cris Rose by using brainspotting, which is a brain-based modality involving gazing at images or certain areas within your line of vision. This can help to release emotions, bring in calm and expand the synaptic brain connections. We will use the beautiful temple Goddess images designed by Priestess Devanna Wolf as an entry point. Experience self-attunement as we connect within and group attunement with our community at The Mount Shasta Goddess Temple. You will also be guided through relaxing hypnotherapy mediation to experience the energy and imagery of the monthly Goddesses.

No prior experience in brainspotting is necessary as you will be guided through the process.

4/15 Aphrodite

5/20 Oshun

6/17 Black Madonna

7/15 Baba Yaga

8/19 Isis

9/16 Magu

10/21 Hecate

11/18 Santa Muerte

12/15 Deer Mother

Priestess Cris Rose

Priestess Cris Rose is a Psychotherapist, Reiki Master Teacher and Priestess with the Mt. Shasta Goddess Temple. She is the owner of The Blooming Soul in Roseville, California where she combines her love for Reiki energy healing and holistic therapy to offer a creative approach to your healing and spiritual needs utilizing modalities such as brainspotting, somatic therapy, mindfulness, hypnotherapy and expressive arts. She specializes in helping women navigate life transitions, grief and loss, and spirituality. She helps you heal, see your beauty and re-awaken your true self in personal sessions and group offerings. Priestess Cris has over 25 years of teaching experience. She holds beautiful loving space, fosters community and honors connection with the Goddess. Come tend your magical garden with Cristi and learn to balance your mind, body and spirit.
Website: www.thebloomingsoul916.com
IG & FB: thebloomingsoul916

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New Moon Mandala Ceremony - 11/19/25
7:00 PM19:00

New Moon Mandala Ceremony - 11/19/25

The Inner Mandala: New Moon Goddess Devotions

In 2025, Priestess Yeshe offers one-hour New Moon devotional ceremonies honoring 12 Goddesses new to the Mandala of the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple:

January 29 - Gaea
February 27 - Potnia Theron
March 28 - Artimpasa
April 27 - Kurukulla
May 25 - Hathor
June 24 - Atargatis
July 24 - Sulis Minerva
August 22 - Matar Kubileya
September 20 - Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, Menat
October 20 - The Serpent Circle
November 19 - Nyx
December 18 - Seshat

In each ceremony, we will learn about the Goddess of this Moon Cycle, make offerings, create workings, perform divination, and connect with the nourishing, protective, and mysterious energy of the New Moon.

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

Yeshe Meryemana Matthews Robles

Priestess Yeshe was born on the Full Moon, and has always held a deep love for the magic of the lunar cycle. She has been hosting online and in-person ceremonies for women since 2004. Her rituals are simple, heartfelt, and joyful, and she holds space for women to find their voices and bring their dreams to life.

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Order of the Black Madonna 11/26/25
7:00 PM19:00

Order of the Black Madonna 11/26/25

A monthly devotional honoring the Black Madonna, Our Lady of Magic.

The Order of the Black Madonna is a holy order within the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple devoted to the Great Dark Mother known by many names: Mitochondrial Eve, Au Set, Isis, Gaia, Cybele, Our Lady of Czestochowa, Santa Muerte, Sara la Kali, Our Lady of Monserrat, and others.

We gather every 4th Wednesday to perform a community ceremony in which we lift the petitions submitted to us through our website, and we study a new face of the Divine Mother. Click here to submit a Prayer Request.

In 2025, our theme is Mystic Saints.

Jan 22: Mary Magdalene
Feb 26: Anne Catherine Emmerich
March 26: Catherine of Genoa
April 23: Catherine of Siena
May 28: Julian of Norwich
June 25: Joan of Arc
July 23: Christina the Astonishing
August: 27: Rose of Lima
September 24: Hildegard of Bingen
October 22: Therese de Lisieux
November 26: Sojourner Truth
December 17: Florence Scoville Shin

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

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Full Moon Mandala Ceremony - 12/4/25
7:00 PM19:00

Full Moon Mandala Ceremony - 12/4/25

The Outer Mandala: Full Moon Goddess Devotions

Every Full Moon in 2025, join Priestess Yeshe for one-hour devotional ceremonies honoring the Outer Mandala of the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple: 12 Goddesses and sacred beings that Yeshe has worked with for over 20 years.

January 13 - Prajnaparamita
February 13 - Kuan Yin
March 13 - Arya Tara
April 11 - Aphrodite
May 11 - Oshun
June 11 - Black Madonna
July 10 - Baba Yaga
August 9 - Isis
September 7 - Magu & Xi Wangmu
October 6 - Hekate
November 5 - Santa Muerte
December 4 - Deer Mother

In each ceremony, we will learn about the Goddess of this Moon Cycle, make offerings, share gratitudes, receive energetic blessings, perform divination, and connect with the fulfilling, activating, and clarifying energy of the Full Moon.

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

Yeshe Meryemana Matthews Robles

Priestess Yeshe was born on the Full Moon, and has always held a deep love for the magic of the lunar cycle. She has been hosting online and in-person ceremonies for women since 2004. Her rituals are simple, heartfelt, and joyful, and she holds space for women to find their voices and bring their dreams to life.

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Lotus Reiki Circle - 1213/25
9:00 AM09:00

Lotus Reiki Circle - 1213/25

The Lotus Reiki Collective is a group of Reiki Masters and students within the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple working with a specialized form of Goddess Reiki.

The group meets every Second Saturday at:

9am Pacific
10am Mountain
11am Central
12pm Eastern
5pm UK

In our one-hour gatherings we study topics in the field of reiki healing, send reiki to those who submit petitions on our web page, and lift reiki to support the well-being of our entire community. Click here to submit a Reiki Request.

Our study topics in 2025 include:

January- Yeshe - Matriarchal Roots of Reiki
February- Cris Rose-Reiki and the Heart Chakra
March- Aislin- Reiki and Sisterhood Circles
April- Cris Rose-Reiki and Sacral Chakra; Healing Sexual Trauma
May- Yeshe- Reiki Essences (Gem Elixirs)
June- Aislin-Reiki and Religious Beliefs
July- Cris Rose-Reiki and Crystal Healing
August- Aislin-How to Set Up a Reiki Practice
September- Aislin-Reiki and Herbs
October- TBA-Reiki and End of Life
November- Yeshe-Your Reiki Guides
December- Allison-Reiki and Psychedelics

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

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Witch Crafting - 12/14/25
1:00 PM13:00

Witch Crafting - 12/14/25

Each month, join the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple for hands-on creative gatherings to explore magical arts and sacred crafts inspired by earth-based spirituality and goddess traditions. Create tools, deepen your practice, and celebrate the cycles of nature in a welcoming sisterhood. Perfect for all skill levels, these classes spark creativity and weave magic into everyday life.

Shimmer & Shine - Solstice Mixed Media Art for your Altar
Sunday, Dec 14, 2025
1pm Pacific
Online via Zoom
Hosted by: Priestess Cris Rose

Priestess Cris Rose will take attendees through a process of creating a beautiful mixed media painting for your altar to welcome magical blessings with the arrival of the Solstice and its themes. Your painting will not only bestow blessings on your life but on all who gaze upon it.

List of materials:

Canvas (4x4 or any size of your choice)
acrylic (metallics) paints & acrylic pens all work well
glitter, Elmer's clear glue, crystal chips, stickers, stencils
Dried flowers, dried herbs, acorns, dirt, any gathered nature items
Blessed or moon water
Any other items you'd like to add

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

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Goddess Spotting Monthly Group
6:00 PM18:00

Goddess Spotting Monthly Group

Come join us online each third Tuesday of the month to deepen your connection with the temple Goddesses with Priestess Cris Rose by using brainspotting, which is a brain-based modality involving gazing at images or certain areas within your line of vision. This can help to release emotions, bring in calm and expand the synaptic brain connections. We will use the beautiful temple Goddess images designed by Priestess Devanna Wolf as an entry point. Experience self-attunement as we connect within and group attunement with our community at The Mount Shasta Goddess Temple. You will also be guided through relaxing hypnotherapy mediation to experience the energy and imagery of the monthly Goddesses.

No prior experience in brainspotting is necessary as you will be guided through the process.

4/15 Aphrodite

5/20 Oshun

6/17 Black Madonna

7/15 Baba Yaga

8/19 Isis

9/16 Magu

10/21 Hecate

11/18 Santa Muerte

12/16 Deer Mother

Priestess Cris Rose

Priestess Cris Rose is a Psychotherapist, Reiki Master Teacher and Priestess with the Mt. Shasta Goddess Temple. She is the owner of The Blooming Soul in Roseville, California where she combines her love for Reiki energy healing and holistic therapy to offer a creative approach to your healing and spiritual needs utilizing modalities such as brainspotting, somatic therapy, mindfulness, hypnotherapy and expressive arts. She specializes in helping women navigate life transitions, grief and loss, and spirituality. She helps you heal, see your beauty and re-awaken your true self in personal sessions and group offerings. Priestess Cris has over 25 years of teaching experience. She holds beautiful loving space, fosters community and honors connection with the Goddess. Come tend your magical garden with Cristi and learn to balance your mind, body and spirit.
Website: www.thebloomingsoul916.com
IG & FB: thebloomingsoul916

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Order of the Black Madonna 12/17/25
7:00 PM19:00

Order of the Black Madonna 12/17/25

A monthly devotional honoring the Black Madonna, Our Lady of Magic.

The Order of the Black Madonna is a holy order within the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple devoted to the Great Dark Mother known by many names: Mitochondrial Eve, Au Set, Isis, Gaia, Cybele, Our Lady of Czestochowa, Santa Muerte, Sara la Kali, Our Lady of Monserrat, and others.

We gather every 4th Wednesday to perform a community ceremony in which we lift the petitions submitted to us through our website, and we study a new face of the Divine Mother. Click here to submit a Prayer Request.

In 2025, our theme is Mystic Saints.

Jan 22: Mary Magdalene
Feb 26: Anne Catherine Emmerich
March 26: Catherine of Genoa
April 23: Catherine of Siena
May 28: Julian of Norwich
June 25: Joan of Arc
July 23: Christina the Astonishing
August: 27: Rose of Lima
September 24: Hildegard of Bingen
October 22: Therese de Lisieux
November 26: Sojourner Truth
December 17: Florence Scoville Shin

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

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New Moon Mandala Ceremony - 12/18/25
7:00 PM19:00

New Moon Mandala Ceremony - 12/18/25

The Inner Mandala: New Moon Goddess Devotions

In 2025, Priestess Yeshe offers one-hour New Moon devotional ceremonies honoring 12 Goddesses new to the Mandala of the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple:

January 29 - Gaea
February 27 - Potnia Theron
March 28 - Artimpasa
April 27 - Kurukulla
May 25 - Hathor
June 24 - Atargatis
July 24 - Sulis Minerva
August 22 - Matar Kubileya
September 20 - Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, Menat
October 20 - The Serpent Circle
November 19 - Nyx
December 18 - Seshat

In each ceremony, we will learn about the Goddess of this Moon Cycle, make offerings, create workings, perform divination, and connect with the nourishing, protective, and mysterious energy of the New Moon.

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

Yeshe Meryemana Matthews Robles

Priestess Yeshe was born on the Full Moon, and has always held a deep love for the magic of the lunar cycle. She has been hosting online and in-person ceremonies for women since 2004. Her rituals are simple, heartfelt, and joyful, and she holds space for women to find their voices and bring their dreams to life.

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Akashic Records Training: Level 3 - 12/20/25
2:00 PM14:00

Akashic Records Training: Level 3 - 12/20/25

The Akashic Records are a metaphysical repository of all events, thoughts, emotions, and experiences that have ever occurred, existing beyond time and space. Derived from the Sanskrit word "Akasha," meaning "ether" or "sky," the Akashic Records are often described as a cosmic library that contains the collective wisdom and memory of the universe, akin to an energetic database. Many spiritual traditions hold that these records contain information about the past, present, and potential future for every soul and are accessible through higher states of consciousness, intuition, or through trained facilitators.

The Akashic Records exist in a dimension beyond the physical, in the spiritual or etheric plane. Practitioners can tap into the Akashic Records through specialized training that teaches you to tune into this vibrational field. Access often requires a focused intention and specific invocation to enter the records, respecting the sacredness of the process. At the collective level, they contain the history of humanity, civilizations, and the universe itself. Reading the records can provide insights into spiritual growth, healing, and resolving issues from past experiences.

Goddess Spirituality often emphasizes the importance of ancestral knowledge and lineages. Accessing the Akashic Records allows us to reconnect with the spiritual paths of our ancestors, heal historic wounds, and reclaim lost traditions or practices that are crucial to our lineage.

Many of us believe in the continuity of the soul through multiple lifetimes. By accessing the Akashic Records, we can explore past lives to understand our soul’s journey, lessons, and karmic ties. self-empowerment is key. Accessing the Akashic Records gives us a sense of sovereignty over amidst our soul’s journey, helping us understand our divine power, relationship with the cosmos, and the role of the feminine in creation. This aligns us more deeply with the Goddess as a source of wisdom and devotion. We can access records to understand the rise and fall of ancient Goddess cultures, lost matriarchal societies, and suppressed feminine wisdom, with insights into how to revive and integrate these traditions into the modern world for global healing.

Join us to become Mystic Masters of the Akashic Records in 2025! More information and registration coming soon.

Priestess Aislin

Aislin Wolf is a Priestess of Brighid, Aphrodite, and Mary Magdalene, and a devotee of Hekate. She is an Ikofa of Orunmila, devotee of Oshun and daughter of Yemaya. She is a Trauma therapist of over 10 years, a teacher, and spiritual life coach with a Master of Science in Mental Health Counseling. She specializes in Divination, such as Tarot, Lenormand, bone, and dice readings, and has been an Akashic Record Reader and Reiki Master and teacher for over 22 years. Aislin is compassionate and empathic. Her love of people and devotion to the Goddesses and Gods can be felt in every session that she conducts. To reach her, please visit her website The Flame and Key.

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Portraits of the Goddess Within - 1/3/26
1:00 PM13:00

Portraits of the Goddess Within - 1/3/26

Portrait of the Goddess Within: Seasonal Self Portraits

Summer Session
July 5, 2025
1-2:30pm Pacific
Classes via Zoom

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

An empowering online photography class led by the priestess Linda M. Toki. Meeting four times: spring, summer, fall and winter between 2025-26, this class is designed to help women explore their inner strength and beauty through the art of portrait photography in conjunction with a goddess or goddesses they wish to embody. With a focus on capturing the essence of the “goddess within,” participants will delve into essential photography techniques such as lighting, composition, and the use of color. The course explores both indoor and outdoor backgrounds, encouraging women to experiment with settings that enhance their best attributes. Additionally, participants will have the chance to explore the creative possibilities of costuming to bring their goddess-inspired visions to life.

In the winter class of Portrait of the Goddess Within, we will make use of the dark, cool bluish and purple tones of winter, the gray days of rain and snow, drawing inspiration from winter goddesses associated with transformation, rest, introspection and death. Through themes of the dying landscape and hibernation or cocooning, we’ll create portraits that honor the cycle of renewal and the quiet power of winter. What goddess best fits the sometimes-harsh reality of winter?

The class will touch on a variety of gear, from professional DSLR cameras to iPhones. Linda will guide students through posing techniques that flatter their subjects and help convey emotion and personality as well as the nature of the goddess they will portray if they choose to. She will also introduce editing techniques, showcasing popular programs and user-friendly apps to enhance and refine images. Whether you're a seasoned photographer looking to expand your skills or a beginner aiming to capture inspiring portraits, Portrait of the Goddess Within promises a journey of fun, creativity and self-expression. 

Linda M. Toki

Priestess Linda is a multifaceted leader and artist deeply rooted in her local community of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. As a Skydancer Priestess with the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple, she brings a wealth of experience and passion to her spiritual practices. Currently enrolled in the Via Carmen Pythia program, she has been reading tarot since 2014, enriching her connection to divination, intuition and guidance. With her expertise as a reiki master and mesa carrier in the Andean tradition, Linda creates a unique blend of healing and spirituality. She’s also ordained by the Universal Life Church, where she performs handfasting ceremonies.

As the creatrix of Gettysburg Goddesses, Linda fosters women’s spirituality through rituals, ceremonies, and community activities. Her leadership has helped expand the organization following her completion of the Mount Shasta “Raise the Temple” program.

After a 33-year career in federal government service with the Farm Credit Administration, where she excelled as an award-winning graphic designer and photographer, Linda retired in 2020. Her educational background includes a BS in Education from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, where she majored in Art Education and minored in Art History.

Linda's commitment to community engagement is evident through her involvement with groups like WE Women Empowered and Businesswomen Influencing Gettysburg, and in her role as a board member for the Gettysburg Community Theater.

A lifelong photographer inspired by the beauty of the Western Pennsylvania, her love for nature shines through in her artistic work, particularly in the sacred imagery of birds within her goddess mandala. Linda hopes to inspire and uplift those around her through her artistic projects and spiritual assistance.

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Witch Crafting - 3/9/25
1:00 PM13:00

Witch Crafting - 3/9/25

Each month, join the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple for hands-on creative gatherings to explore magical arts and sacred crafts inspired by earth-based spirituality and goddess traditions. Create tools, deepen your practice, and celebrate the cycles of nature in a welcoming sisterhood. Perfect for all skill levels, these classes spark creativity and weave magic into everyday life.

Bringing Your Deity with You - A Travel Altar Workshop
Sunday, March 9, 2025
1pm Pacific
Online via Zoom
Hosted by: Priestess Alexis

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

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Lotus Reiki Circle - 3/8/25
9:00 AM09:00

Lotus Reiki Circle - 3/8/25

The Lotus Reiki Collective is a group of Reiki Masters and students within the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple working with a specialized form of Goddess Reiki.

The group meets every Second Saturday at:

9am Pacific
10am Mountain
11am Central
12pm Eastern
5pm UK

In our one-hour gatherings we study topics in the field of reiki healing, send reiki to those who submit petitions on our web page, and lift reiki to support the well-being of our entire community. Click here to submit a Reiki Request.

Our study topics in 2025 include:

January- Yeshe - Matriarchal Roots of Reiki
February- Cris Rose-Reiki and the Heart Chakra
March- Aislin- Reiki and Sisterhood Circles
April- Cris Rose-Reiki and Sacral Chakra; Healing Sexual Trauma
May- Yeshe- Reiki Essences (Gem Elixirs)
June- Aislin-Reiki and Religious Beliefs
July- Cris Rose-Reiki and Crystal Healing
August- Aislin-How to Set Up a Reiki Practice
September- Aislin-Reiki and Herbs
October- TBA-Reiki and End of Life
November- Yeshe-Your Reiki Guides
December- Allison-Reiki and Psychedelics

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

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New Moon Mandala Ceremony - 2/27/25
7:00 PM19:00

New Moon Mandala Ceremony - 2/27/25

The Inner Mandala: New Moon Goddess Devotions

In 2025, Priestess Yeshe offers one-hour New Moon devotional ceremonies honoring 12 Goddesses new to the Mandala of the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple:

January 29 - Gaea
February 27 - Potnia Theron
March 28 - Artimpasa
April 27 - Kurukulla
May 25 - Hathor
June 24 - Atargatis
July 24 - Sulis Minerva
August 22 - Matar Kubileya
September 20 - Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, Menat
October 20 - The Serpent Circle
November 19 - Nyx
December 18 - Seshat

In each ceremony, we will learn about the Goddess of this Moon Cycle, make offerings, create workings, perform divination, and connect with the nourishing, protective, and mysterious energy of the New Moon.

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

Yeshe Meryemana Matthews Robles

Priestess Yeshe was born on the Full Moon, and has always held a deep love for the magic of the lunar cycle. She has been hosting online and in-person ceremonies for women since 2004. Her rituals are simple, heartfelt, and joyful, and she holds space for women to find their voices and bring their dreams to life.

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Order of the Black Madonna 2/26/25
7:00 PM19:00

Order of the Black Madonna 2/26/25

A monthly devotional honoring the Black Madonna, Our Lady of Magic.

The Order of the Black Madonna is a holy order within the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple devoted to the Great Dark Mother known by many names: Mitochondrial Eve, Au Set, Isis, Gaia, Cybele, Our Lady of Czestochowa, Santa Muerte, Sara la Kali, Our Lady of Monserrat, and others.

We gather every 4th Wednesday to perform a community ceremony in which we lift the petitions submitted to us through our website, and we study a new face of the Divine Mother. Click here to submit a Prayer Request.

In 2025, our theme is Mystic Saints.

Jan 22: Mary Magdalene
Feb 26: Anne Catherine Emmerich
March 26: Catherine of Genoa
April 23: Catherine of Siena
May 28: Julian of Norwich
June 25: Joan of Arc
July 23: Christina the Astonishing
August: 27: Rose of Lima
September 24: Hildegard of Bingen
October 22: Therese de Lisieux
November 26: Sojourner Truth
December 17: Florence Scoville Shin

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

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Goddess Reiki Level 1 - 2/22/25
2:00 PM14:00

Goddess Reiki Level 1 - 2/22/25

Are you ready to work with healing light and the energies of the Goddess in a Reiki practice? The Mount Shasta Goddess Temple offers a special women- and Goddess-centered approach to classical Usui Reiki taught by Priestess Aislin Wolf, an experienced, attuned Reiki Master Teacher who studied with Women’s Spirituality foremother Diane Stein.

Goddess-centric Reiki is a valuable tool for Priestesses, Sibyls, and women healers as it combines the ancient wisdom of divine feminine energy with the healing power of Reiki. This practice honors the sacred feminine, empowering women to connect with their intuition, elevate their spiritual essence, and evoke their innate healing abilities. By integrating Goddess-centric principles, practitioners channel a nurturing and compassionate energy that resonates with the Goddess spirituality path and enhances their healing practices. This approach offers holistic balance, promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being for women and the communities they serve, while also strengthening their connection to the Great Mother and the earth's natural rhythms.

Students with no experience are welcome, as are students who have already been attuned at Level One but would like to complete the advanced levels. Classes will take place on Saturdays and will be recorded for all participants to access and watch later. If you cannot attend the class live, you will be sent the link to watch it on replay. However, your individualized Attunement must be completed live. The Instructor will invite you to schedule your attunement directly with her on the day after the class or at a mutually convenient time during the week following the class.

Priestess Aislin

Aislin Wolf is a Priestess of Brighid, Aphrodite, and Mary Magdalene, and a devotee of Hekate. She is an Ikofa of Orunmila, devotee of Oshun and daughter of Yemaya. She is a Trauma therapist of over 10 years, a teacher, and spiritual life coach with a Master of Science in Mental Health Counseling. She specializes in Divination, such as Tarot, Lenormand, bone, and dice readings, and has been an Akashic Record Reader and Reiki Master and teacher for over 22 years. Aislin is compassionate and empathic. Her love of people and devotion to the Goddesses and Gods can be felt in every session that she conducts.

Learn more and register below!

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Lotus Reiki Circle - 2/15/25
9:00 AM09:00

Lotus Reiki Circle - 2/15/25

The Lotus Reiki Collective is a group of Reiki Masters and students within the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple working with a specialized form of Goddess Reiki.

The group typically meets every Second Saturday, but in February we gather on the 15th at:

9am Pacific
10am Mountain
11am Central
12pm Eastern
5pm UK

In our one-hour gatherings we study topics in the field of reiki healing, send reiki to those who submit petitions on our web page, and lift reiki to support the well-being of our entire community. Click here to submit a Reiki Request.

Our study topics in 2025 include:

January- Yeshe - Matriarchal Roots of Reiki
February- Cris Rose-Reiki and the Heart Chakra
March- Aislin- Reiki and Sisterhood Circles
April- Cris Rose-Reiki and Sacral Chakra; Healing Sexual Trauma
May- Yeshe- Reiki Essences (Gem Elixirs)
June- Aislin-Reiki and Religious Beliefs
July- Cris Rose-Reiki and Crystal Healing
August- Aislin-How to Set Up a Reiki Practice
September- Aislin-Reiki and Herbs
October- TBA-Reiki and End of Life
November- Yeshe-Your Reiki Guides
December- Allison-Reiki and Psychedelics

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

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Full Moon Mandala Ceremony - 2/13/25
7:00 PM19:00

Full Moon Mandala Ceremony - 2/13/25

The Outer Mandala: Full Moon Goddess Devotions

Every Full Moon in 2025, join Priestess Yeshe for one-hour devotional ceremonies honoring the Outer Mandala of the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple: 12 Goddesses and sacred beings that Yeshe has worked with for over 20 years.

January 13 - Prajnaparamita
February 13 - Kuan Yin
March 13 - Arya Tara
April 11 - Aphrodite
May 11 - Oshun
June 11 - Black Madonna
July 10 - Baba Yaga
August 9 - Isis
September 7 - Magu & Xi Wangmu
October 6 - Hekate
November 5 - Santa Muerte
December 4 - Deer Mother

In each ceremony, we will learn about the Goddess of this Moon Cycle, make offerings, share gratitudes, receive energetic blessings, perform divination, and connect with the fulfilling, activating, and clarifying energy of the Full Moon.

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

Yeshe Meryemana Matthews Robles

Priestess Yeshe was born on the Full Moon, and has always held a deep love for the magic of the lunar cycle. She has been hosting online and in-person ceremonies for women since 2004. Her rituals are simple, heartfelt, and joyful, and she holds space for women to find their voices and bring their dreams to life.

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Truth or Dare: Empowerment Circle - 2/10/25
5:00 PM17:00

Truth or Dare: Empowerment Circle - 2/10/25

A monthly online consciousness-raising circle using Starhawk's Truth of Dare: Encounters with Power, Mystery, and Authority (1989) to explore liberatory healing in our inner and outer worlds. 

Magic is the art of liberation! Going to the common root of feminist therapy and modern goddess spirituality, and honoring the deeply rooted model of consciousness-raising groups, Truth or Dare unpacks patriarchy as institutionalized war culture and offers beautifully clear tools for how we can dismantle and resist its inner and outer control. There are guidelines for creating spaces in which we can heal, change, imagine the future we need and anchor it in the present -- and we are allowed to know them! We are allowed to speak them out loud, share our truths with one another, and dare to resist. We can use these tools for understanding how we have been shaped by the structures of power we live in, and how we can become empowered shapers ourselves. 

Every second Monday, 5-6:30pm
(Mtg day may shift based on group needs as we go)

Hosted by Mt Shasta Goddess Temple, open to all!

Part I January - April 
Chapter 1: Psychology of liberation, principles of power and magic
Chapter 2: Patriarchal history and the construct of war / the king
Chapter 3: Fierce Love: understanding human responses to systems of punishment and resisting their weaponization
Chapter 4: Patterns of empowerment: ritual and choice 

Part II May - September
Chapter 5: The Judge: reclaiming body, values, ethics
Chapter 6: The Conqueror: safety, self-hatred, boundaries, solidarity
Chapter 7: The Censor: voice, reality, responsibility
Chapter 8: The Master of Servants: war culture, systems of care, dis/ability, sexual violence
Chapter 9: The Orderer: control, chaos, wonder, and mystery

Part III October - November 
Chapter 10: Toward Community: group structure and leadership
Chapter 11: Building Community: Ritual and transitions
Chapter 12: Resistance and Renewal: vision and practical steps 

Free pdf of chapter 1 here: https://beforebefore.net/196c/s15/media/starhawk.pdf

Priestess Arrow

Arrow (she/her) is a feminist psychotherapist and priestess of the Mt Shasta Goddess Temple. Her work has a deep interest in understanding trauma, healing, empowerment and community from lenses better than those provided by our dominant hellscape, and a focus on supporting women, mamas, and queer and neurodivergent folks in their journeys through that territory. 

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Witch Crafting - 2/9/25
1:00 PM13:00

Witch Crafting - 2/9/25

Each month, join the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple for hands-on creative gatherings to explore magical arts and sacred crafts inspired by earth-based spirituality and goddess traditions. Create tools, deepen your practice, and celebrate the cycles of nature in a welcoming sisterhood. Perfect for all skill levels, these classes spark creativity and weave magic into everyday life.

Archetypal Fashion: Dress Magically for the Life You Want
Sunday, February 9, 2025
1pm Pacific
Online via Zoom
Hosted by: Priestess Yeshe

Priestess Yeshe will take attendees through a process of creating a personal fashion archetype that can help you embody your values and refine your aesthetic in creative, beautiful, and subtle ways. Want to dress like the Witch at Work? The Bookstore Goth? The Village Wisewoman? Yeshe, whose interest in textiles and fashion roots back to her grandmother, helps you make sense of what is in the closet and bring together a timeless look that is personally empowering and designed by you, for you, so you can look and feel amazing. During this workshop, your unique style will reveal itself through your activities, values, and choices. This isn’t about getting a bunch of new stuff! This is about working with what you have creatively and identifying a few key rules that will guide future wardrobe purchases wisely. Get ready to level up your look! No special tools or supplies are needed, other than a way to take notes.

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

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Brighid: A Devotional Journey - Begins 2/5/25
5:00 PM17:00

Brighid: A Devotional Journey - Begins 2/5/25

Join Priestess Aislin Wolf on February 05, 2025 for a 4 week exploration every Wednesday at 5:00 PM PST online through Zoom into the lore, and the magic of the Celtic Goddess Brighid. In the month of February which is when we celebrate the beautiful season of Imbolc we also celebrate the season‘s connection with Brighid.

Priestess Aislin Wolf will lead a devotional journey diving into her sacred stories. You will learn about the Goddess and her different aspects and roles. Each week we will explore Brighid in one of her aspects. In week 1 we will explore Brighid as the Blacksmith, week 2 as the Healer, week 3 as the Poet and on week 4 we learn about her role as the Goddess of the Hearth and Hospitality.

Throughout this devotional journey you will learn how to work with these different faces of Brighid in order to enrich your life. Priestess Aislin will be using rituals, meditations, crafts, kitchen witchery, journal prompts, divination, and the study of her stories and her lore with plenty of time for sharing in order to incorporate the magical energy of the Goddess into your home and your heart. This month long journey will leave you with an awareness of the Goddess, a devotional daily practice and an understanding of Brighid’s place in your life. The cost of the month long workshop is $99. To sign up or for more additional information please contact Priestess Aislin Wolf at priestessaislinwolf@gmail.com

Priestess Aislin

Aislin Wolf is a Priestess of Brighid, Aphrodite, and Mary Magdalene, and a devotee of Hekate. She is an Ikofa of Orunmila, devotee of Oshun and daughter of Yemaya. She is a Trauma therapist of over 10 years, a teacher, and spiritual life coach with a Master of Science in Mental Health Counseling. She specializes in Divination, such as Tarot, Lenormand, bone, and dice readings, and has been an Akashic Record Reader and Reiki Master and teacher for over 22 years. Aislin is compassionate and empathic. Her love of people and devotion to the Goddesses and Gods can be felt in every session that she conducts. To reach her, please visit her website The Flame ad Key.

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Open to Love - Begins 2/3/25
6:00 PM18:00

Open to Love - Begins 2/3/25

A six-week journey with Cris Rose to grow your self-love and compassion!

Mondays, 6-7 pm Pacific (Feb 3rd-March 10th)
$59 for 6-week online course only or $99 with Class materials kit
Sign up at
https://www.thebloomingsoul916.com on the events page.

The class will include a combination of beautiful heart healing practices, energy work, hypnotherapy, brainspotting, self-compassion exercises, and expressive arts to develop more love and compassion for yourself. Set up an altar for the class with your heart at the center for self-love and use weekly journaling, expressive arts and other activities to enhance the radiance of your heart. By the end of this class, you will better understand how to give yourself more love and compassion. Learn tools to support yourself in doing your heart healing to allow your heart to shine even brighter.

Course Outline:

Feb 3rd: Setting up an altar for your heart chakra and self-love. Crafting and drawing your heart.
Understanding self-compassion and self-love and exercises. Common blocks to self-love and
compassion. Heart visualization and healing process.

Feb 10th: Meditation into the portal of your heart for creating a safe, healing place with. Taking a self-compassion break and self-compassion hack. Honoring grief. Crafting a heart box and activities to use with it.

Feb 17th: Hypnotherapy journey and nurturing your inner child. Discussion of self-care activities. How to schedule time for yourself and make yourself a priority & working through guilt. Writing a compassionate letter to yourself.

Feb 24th: Hypnotherapy journey for letting go & self-forgiveness ceremony. Discussion of heart qualities and crafting mini heart vision boards. Working through difficult emotions, such as guilt. Using rose water to support your heart healing.

March 3rd: Meditation into your heart portal and rose water blessing ceremony. Grounding techniques to help embody self-compassion exercises. Heart visualization process, healing and changes from beginning of class and paint your heart.

March 10th: Stop and smell the roses meditation and body blessing and mindfulness activities for deep appreciation. Self-compassion with equanimity. Heart expansion hypnotherapy journey and class wrap up.

Opening to Love Kit:

Includes materials for class projects except some art supplies:
Wire, rose quartz heart, box to make heart box, journal, heart pen, spray bottle for rose water, heart or canvas to paint, heart mirror, paper and stickers and special heart gift.

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New Moon Mandala Ceremony - 1/29/25
7:00 PM19:00

New Moon Mandala Ceremony - 1/29/25

The Inner Mandala: New Moon Goddess Devotions

In 2025, Priestess Yeshe offers one-hour New Moon devotional ceremonies honoring 12 Goddesses new to the Mandala of the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple:

January 29 - Gaea
February 27 - Potnia Theron
March 28 - Artimpasa
April 27 - Kurukulla
May 25 - Hathor
June 24 - Atargatis
July 24 - Sulis Minerva
August 22 - Matar Kubileya
September 20 - Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, Menat
October 20 - The Serpent Circle
November 19 - Nyx
December 18 - Seshat

In each ceremony, we will learn about the Goddess of this Moon Cycle, make offerings, create workings, perform divination, and connect with the nourishing, protective, and mysterious energy of the New Moon.

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

Yeshe Meryemana Matthews Robles

Priestess Yeshe was born on the Full Moon, and has always held a deep love for the magic of the lunar cycle. She has been hosting online and in-person ceremonies for women since 2004. Her rituals are simple, heartfelt, and joyful, and she holds space for women to find their voices and bring their dreams to life.

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Weret Hekau Priestess of Isis Training - Begins 1/26
1:00 PM13:00

Weret Hekau Priestess of Isis Training - Begins 1/26

Immerse yourself in the mysteries of Isis and become a Priestess in the House of Light, the Iseum of Nekhbet and Wadjet in the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple. Priestesses in the House of Light walk the path of spiritual mysticism and magical esoterica in the lineage of Lady Olivia Durdin-Robertson (founder of the Fellowship of Isis), Lady Loreon Vigne (founder of Isis Oasis Sanctuary) and Yeshe Meryemana Matthews Robles (founder of the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple.) Our study will take us through a profound series of personal lessons and transformations as we engage with the vulture, desert, Nile, cobra, lotus, papyrus, and Lady of 10,000 Names: Isis.

In Weret Hekau, students will explore the history and myths of Nekhbet, Wadjet, and Isis, gaining perspective on ancient and modern devotion, revealing what’s been hidden within themselves, and unfurling the power of these ancient goddesses in their lives. Nekhbet, the vulture goddess of Upper Egypt, and Wadjet, the cobra goddess of Lower Egypt, symbolize protection, regeneration, and divine sovereignty. Through a combination of historical study and spiritual practice, this training illuminates sacred knowledge, aiding Priestesses on the path of spiritual transformation. By embracing devotion to the Lady of 10,000 Names, you will:

  • tap into the inner plane of timeless wisdom that is your birthright

  • find your unique expression of divine service as a Priestess of Isis

  • recognize the deeply ingrained universal and cosmic patterns inherent in all world mythologies

  • attune to a cosmological paradigm that supports coherence in your devotion to all of the spirits, guides, ancestors, or deities you serve

Your classes will offer a rich exploration of ancient Egyptian history and myths, emphasizing the reality and symbolism of the Nile, the desert, and sacred theriomorphic beings. You will study texts, hymns, and stories that reveal how these goddesses were honored in temples and rituals across Egypt, and ways in which you can bring them to life in your practice.

In addition to theoretical knowledge, the program includes hands-on exercises, such as creating devotional altars, performing traditional invocations, and engaging in creative and ceremonial projects designed to bring you into direct communion with Nekhbet, Wadjet, and Isis. These practices will help you build profound relationships with the goddesses, allowing you to experience their guidance and protection firsthand.

As the training culminates, you will be initiated as Priestess in the House of Light, an Iseum devoted to Nekhbet and Wadjet within the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple. This initiation represents the full integration of the spiritual and magical teachings received throughout the course. As ordained Priestesses, students will be empowered to lead ceremonies, conduct rituals, and embody the mysteries of Isis and her sister goddesses in their lives and communities. You will step forward as beacons of ancient wisdom, rooted in the lineages of ancestresses Lady Olivia Durdin-Robertson (found of the Fellowship of Isis) and Lady Loreon Vigne (founder of Isis Oasis Sanctuary).

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Order of the Black Madonna 1/22/25
7:00 PM19:00

Order of the Black Madonna 1/22/25

A monthly devotional honoring the Black Madonna, Our Lady of Magic.

The Order of the Black Madonna is a holy order within the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple devoted to the Great Dark Mother known by many names: Mitochondrial Eve, Au Set, Isis, Gaia, Cybele, Our Lady of Czestochowa, Santa Muerte, Sara la Kali, Our Lady of Monserrat, and others.

We gather every 4th Wednesday to perform a community ceremony in which we lift the petitions submitted to us through our website, and we study a new face of the Divine Mother. Click here to submit a Prayer Request.

In 2025, our theme is Mystic Saints.

Jan 22: Mary Magdalene
Feb 26: Anne Catherine Emmerich
March 26: Catherine of Genoa
April 23: Catherine of Siena
May 28: Julian of Norwich
June 25: Joan of Arc
July 23: Christina the Astonishing
August: 27: Rose of Lima
September 24: Hildegard of Bingen
October 22: Therese de Lisieux
November 26: Sojourner Truth
December 17: Florence Scoville Shin

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

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Full Moon Mandala Ceremony - 1/13/25
7:00 PM19:00

Full Moon Mandala Ceremony - 1/13/25

The Outer Mandala: Full Moon Goddess Devotions

Every Full Moon in 2025, join Priestess Yeshe for one-hour devotional ceremonies honoring the Outer Mandala of the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple: 12 Goddesses and sacred beings that Yeshe has worked with for over 20 years.

January 13 - Prajnaparamita
February 13 - Kuan Yin
March 13 - Arya Tara
April 11 - Aphrodite
May 11 - Oshun
June 11 - Black Madonna
July 10 - Baba Yaga
August 9 - Isis
September 7 - Magu & Xi Wangmu
October 6 - Hekate
November 5 - Santa Muerte
December 4 - Deer Mother

In each ceremony, we will learn about the Goddess of this Moon Cycle, make offerings, share gratitudes, receive energetic blessings, perform divination, and connect with the fulfilling, activating, and clarifying energy of the Full Moon.

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

Yeshe Meryemana Matthews Robles

Priestess Yeshe was born on the Full Moon, and has always held a deep love for the magic of the lunar cycle. She has been hosting online and in-person ceremonies for women since 2004. Her rituals are simple, heartfelt, and joyful, and she holds space for women to find their voices and bring their dreams to life.

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Truth or Dare: Empowerment Circle - 1/13/25
5:00 PM17:00

Truth or Dare: Empowerment Circle - 1/13/25

A monthly online consciousness-raising circle using Starhawk's Truth of Dare: Encounters with Power, Mystery, and Authority (1989) to explore liberatory healing in our inner and outer worlds. 

Magic is the art of liberation! Going to the common root of feminist therapy and modern goddess spirituality, and honoring the deeply rooted model of consciousness-raising groups, Truth or Dare unpacks patriarchy as institutionalized war culture and offers beautifully clear tools for how we can dismantle and resist its inner and outer control. There are guidelines for creating spaces in which we can heal, change, imagine the future we need and anchor it in the present -- and we are allowed to know them! We are allowed to speak them out loud, share our truths with one another, and dare to resist. We can use these tools for understanding how we have been shaped by the structures of power we live in, and how we can become empowered shapers ourselves. 

Every second Monday, 5-6:30pm
(Mtg day may shift based on group needs as we go)

Hosted by Mt Shasta Goddess Temple, open to all!

Part I January - April 
Chapter 1: Psychology of liberation, principles of power and magic
Chapter 2: Patriarchal history and the construct of war / the king
Chapter 3: Fierce Love: understanding human responses to systems of punishment and resisting their weaponization
Chapter 4: Patterns of empowerment: ritual and choice 

Part II May - September
Chapter 5: The Judge: reclaiming body, values, ethics
Chapter 6: The Conqueror: safety, self-hatred, boundaries, solidarity
Chapter 7: The Censor: voice, reality, responsibility
Chapter 8: The Master of Servants: war culture, systems of care, dis/ability, sexual violence
Chapter 9: The Orderer: control, chaos, wonder, and mystery

Part III October - November 
Chapter 10: Toward Community: group structure and leadership
Chapter 11: Building Community: Ritual and transitions
Chapter 12: Resistance and Renewal: vision and practical steps 

Free pdf of chapter 1 here: https://beforebefore.net/196c/s15/media/starhawk.pdf

Priestess Arrow

Arrow (she/her) is a feminist psychotherapist and priestess of the Mt Shasta Goddess Temple. Her work has a deep interest in understanding trauma, healing, empowerment and community from lenses better than those provided by our dominant hellscape, and a focus on supporting women, mamas, and queer and neurodivergent folks in their journeys through that territory. 

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Witch Crafting - 1/12/25
1:00 PM13:00

Witch Crafting - 1/12/25

Each month, join us for hands-on creative gatherings to explore magical arts and sacred crafts inspired by earth-based spirituality and goddess traditions. Create tools, deepen your practice, and celebrate the cycles of nature in a welcoming sisterhood. Perfect for all skill levels, these classes spark creativity and weave magic into everyday life.

The Magic of Prosperity - Vision Boards for Health, Wealth & Happiness
Sunday, January 12, 2025
1pm Pacific
Online via Zoom
Hosted by: Priestess Selene

Start the New Year on the right foot unlocking the power of manifestation with the magick of vision boards. In this workshop, we’ll explore the three pillars of prosperity—health, wealth, and happiness—while learning how to transform your desires into reality through intentional gratitude, visualization, and action. We’ll create a personalized vision board infused with spiritual energy, affirmations, and symbols to align your goals with the universe’s abundance, and discover how to shift our mindset, release limiting beliefs, and embrace prosperity as our birthright. For this workshop you will need a colored file folder or a poster, cuttings from magazines or printed pictures of the things you want to manifest, stickers, a picture of a goddess you work with, a symbol of gratitude and any other craft supplies you like to work with. Join us for an inspiring journey into the magick of manifestation!

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

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Sisters of the Sphinx - Begins 1/11/25
12:00 PM12:00

Sisters of the Sphinx - Begins 1/11/25

Wisdom & Mystery

The Sphinx, a mythical creature with the body of a lion and the head of a human or an animal, holds profound spiritual significance in various cultures worldwide, particularly in Egypt and Greece. This enigmatic symbol has captivated the human imagination for centuries, representing a convergence of the earthly and the divine.

In this class, Priestess Yeshe will explore the histories, lore, specific symbolism, and cultural significance of the Sphinx across space and time, offering context and exercises to help students connect more deeply with their innate wisdom and heart connection with the Mystery that gives rise to all, and into which all dissipates.

Classes will take place on 3 successive Saturdays from 12pm - 1:15pm
January 11: The Egyptian Sphinx
January 18: The Greek Sphinx
January 25: Sphinxes of the World

Students will receive a bundle of items to support their work with the energies of the Sphinx, including:
-Vial of Secret of the Desert oil from Egypt
-Blue Lotus Tea for prophetic dreams
-Altar cards with photos of several different historical Sphinxes and Sphinx Temples
-Beeswax votive candle

Registration is $99 including the 3 live and recorded sessions of 75 minutes each, 3 sets of notes from the classes, and the box of supplies mailed to you. All recorded and written materials will be available indefinitely to class registrants.

Learn more and register by clicking here.

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Lotus Reiki Circle - 1/11/25
9:00 AM09:00

Lotus Reiki Circle - 1/11/25

The Lotus Reiki Collective is a group of Reiki Masters and students within the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple working with a specialized form of Goddess Reiki.

The group meets every Second Saturday at:

9am Pacific
10am Mountain
11am Central
12pm Eastern
5pm UK

In our one-hour gatherings we study topics in the field of reiki healing, send reiki to those who submit petitions on our web page, and lift reiki to support the well-being of our entire community. Click here to submit a Reiki Request.

Our study topics in 2025 include:

January- Yeshe - Matriarchal Roots of Reiki
February- Cris Rose-Reiki and the Heart Chakra
March- Aislin- Reiki and Sisterhood Circles
April- Cris Rose-Reiki and Sacral Chakra; Healing Sexual Trauma
May- Yeshe- Reiki Essences (Gem Elixirs)
June- Aislin-Reiki and Religious Beliefs
July- Cris Rose-Reiki and Crystal Healing
August- Aislin-How to Set Up a Reiki Practice
September- Aislin-Reiki and Herbs
October- TBA-Reiki and End of Life
November- Yeshe-Your Reiki Guides
December- Allison-Reiki and Psychedelics

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

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HEXAFOIL: New Year's Day Art Project - 1/1/25
11:00 AM11:00

HEXAFOIL: New Year's Day Art Project - 1/1/25

Create Your Vision for 2025!

Join Priestesses Yeshe & Ayana for a fascinating creative session working with the HEXAFOIL or Witch’s Mark Symbol. A 6-pointed flower in a circle, this symbol has been found in sacred sites, Temples, and private spiritual spaces all over the world for thousands of years. In this session, which is free and open to Mandala Members of the Temple, you will:

  • learn about the history and meanings of this magical symbol

  • work with this symbol to form a series of intentions and manifestations for 2025

  • and create a beautiful, intentional piece of visionary art to start the year

This event is for Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Mandala Members. Join the Temple and get access to this event, plus hundreds of hours of video classes and private gatherings!

Details for this event will be sent to Mandala Members in your weekly emails; no need to pre-register. Just show up with some art supplies and get ready to set the tone for 2025!

Yeshe & Ayana

Priestesses Yeshe & Ayana have been best friends and sisters in the Goddess for over a decade, and they have an annual tradition of being together on New Year’s to chant, laugh, and create visionary ceremonial art with intention. Here they are pictured at the top of Mount Nemrut, shivering at dawn, in Türkiye in 2022 - one of their many magical shenanigans together. They are both committed to beauty as a form of healing.

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New Year's Heart Sutra Practice - 1/1/25
9:00 AM09:00

New Year's Heart Sutra Practice - 1/1/25

Start 2025 with peace and openness! Our Temple’s annual New Year’s Day Heart Sutra reading and mantra recitation is free and open to all. Join Priestess Yeshe to relax the mind and connect with the Oneness Light of all that is, in pure-hearted acceptance and compassion.

This event is free and open to the public. Tune in to @priestessyeshe on YouTube on New Year’s Day at:

9am Pacific
10am Mountain
11am Central
12pm Eastern
5pm UK

Yeshe Meryemana Matthews Robles

Yeshe is the Mandala Priestess and Spiritual Director of the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple. She has been a dharma practitioner for over 20 years, and she has been chanting online since 2016. She offers this daily New Year’s Tradition as an act of devotion to Temple Goddess Prajnaparamita.

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