Come join us online each third Tuesday of the month to deepen your connection with the temple Goddesses with Priestess Cris Rose by using brainspotting, which is a brain-based modality involving gazing at images or certain areas within your line of vision. This can help to release emotions, bring in calm and expand the synaptic brain connections. We will use the beautiful temple Goddess images designed by Priestess Devanna Wolf as an entry point. Experience self-attunement as we connect within and group attunement with our community at The Mount Shasta Goddess Temple. You will also be guided through relaxing hypnotherapy mediation to experience the energy and imagery of the monthly Goddesses.
No prior experience in brainspotting is necessary as you will be guided through the process.
4/15 Aphrodite
5/20 Oshun
6/17 Black Madonna
7/15 Baba Yaga
8/19 Isis
9/16 Magu
10/21 Hecate
11/18 Santa Muerte
12/16 Deer Mother