Welcome to the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple, also known as Tsogyal Lhamo Drayang Ling, or “Melodious Tsogyal Lhamo Temple” in Tibetan. We are a devotional community honoring the female divine rooted at the base of Mount Shasta with members all over the world. We serve the spiritual needs of international Goddess devotees with online and in-person programs, ceremonies, and retreats. Join the Temple to access exclusive benefits including monthly Full and New Moon ceremonies, Salons, Classes, and priority registration for pilgrimages, classes, and events.
Visit our About page to learn more about the Temple, its name, its mission, its history, our projects, and our protocols. Community Care features our fundraisers and supportive works.
Our Skydancer Center for Female Mysticism features workshops and classes about Women’s Mysteries, including Priestess Training programs and self-paced classes. Meet some of our Priestesses & Sibyls here.
The Pilgrimages page invites you on adventures and journeys to sacred sites. Explore the Services page for divinations, candle workings, and other activities in cooperation with our sponsor The Sacred Well.
Goddess Temple Membership
The Mount Shasta Goddess Temple is a sacred and beautiful sanctuary where Goddess culture thrives, and where women find inspiration to bring their dreams to life. All are welcome to join this vibrant community. Most of our events, classes, and offerings are online and recorded for Mandala members, to accommodate the needs of our global sisterhood of Goddess devotees.
MANDALA membership ($99 for Life)
You will have access to live and recorded Full and Dark Moon ceremonies, seasonal rituals, and monthly Zoom events. 2025 topics include Lotus Reiki Circle, Brigid Flametending, Hekate’s Luminaries Discussion group, Witch Crafting monthly group, and Order of the Black Madonna. You’ll also receive priority and discounted registration for classes, retreats, and pilgrimages, weekly event emails, access to hundreds of hours of exclusive video content from our events, and a caring sisterhood of women who get to know each other over time, building genuine affection, care, and trust.
Classes & Events
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A lineage and legacy of devotion and beauty

Women of the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple
We are women taking our personal spirituality to the next level. Women who live in the magic. Women creating lives of sincere devotion and sacred practice. Women who carry reservoirs of innate power and compassion within, and who allow these inner streams to flow freely for the benefit of all beings. Women who live as Goddess emissaries on Earth. Women who create sacred art, write books, teach classes, offer readings, and serve with love. Women who share their devotional offerings with integrity and authenticity. Women who delight in intellectual curiosity and lifelong learning. Women exploring ways to keep coming back to their dreams no matter what. Women who want to create something beautiful for the Goddess, and for the world.
Do you recognize yourself here? Or does something here call to you? Consider joining our Goddess Temple and studying with us.
“A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination prepared to be herself. ”