Mama...a prayer to the Great Mother in 100 verses - June 2, 2020
Oh Great Mother Moon, Sister Stars, ancient and sentient beings, spread your comforting wings over us.
Great Feminine Spirit, of which I am a tiny part, thank you for safety, peace, comfort, beauty, happiness, health, abundance and love.
Holy Elements of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit, thank you for your consistent healing, activating, and inspirational Presence.
Beloved Earth Mother Goddess, thank you for the tapestry of life, weaving together our threads with plant beings, animal beings and elemental beings of stone and earth, river, rain and ocean, wind and breath. May we all be grateful for the paradise you have given us, and be conscious stewards of your sacred body. May we remember to live in harmony with your ways. May we honour and respect all relations and together offer our songs of gratitude to you.
Sacred Earth, Giver of Life to all manner of beings who dwell upon your body, please help us at this time of great difficulty to remember we are your children and that we are all one. Fill the hearts of all with your tender love so that we may move forward together, removing hatred, bigotry, and oppression - replacing it with respect, acceptance, and celebration of our similarities as well as our differences.
Great Mother of us all, please help heal the trauma of our time, heal the rift in humanity, and teach compassion and empathy to your children.
Holy Mother in all your guises, be with us: a Healer for those who need healing, a Counselor who opens the hearts, minds and ears of all in opposition so they may come to understanding, a Warrior to keep safe those who are in danger, a Mother offering fierce compassion, words of wisdom and love to all.
Holy Mothers, guide the souls of the slaughtered back into your arms.
Pomba Gira, bring justice against those who oppress our brothers and sisters.
Precious Oshun, please usher in a new age of love and respect. Send healing waters and cleanse our mother Earth. Flush out hatred and fill us with the love we need to be united and blessed before you.
Ochun, protect the vulnerable, protect beloved community,and touch every heart with compassion.
Oya, help us harness the winds of change, for women to be the Queens we need to be for our families and communities.
Oya, may your winds be swift and steady. Help us to continue to lift the veils of injustice and grant us sweet winds in which to rebuild and rebirth.
Olokun, help us lift the souls of your children who have sunk to the bottom of your holy Sea.
Yemoja, Blessed Queen of the Seas, thank you for your waters that embrace us, cleanse us, humble us, give us strength, and bring us peace.
Yemaya, ocean mother, may you nurture us through these times of great change.
Yemanja, help us to protect and teach the youth of the Americas.
Lady Isis, Auset, thank you for the many blessings you have given us. Remember your children: the peacemakers, healers, and justice-bringers. Give them the strength and perseverance to complete their great and necessary work. Protect them as they spread your light of justice through the world.
Oh Great Creatrix Soul Mother Esa Esa, please send your healing love to all beings at this time of great change. Help us to heal the old wounds of separation and fear. Lift our hearts so that we can feel your presence and know that you are with us. Our heart is your heart.
Isis, bring the healing magic that will resurrect the souls of Black men killed by treachery. We are your beloved Osiris and we can’t breathe. We cry out to you, “Mama!”
Isis, thank you for the strength of Black women’s love, which has held our world together for millennia. You are in every one of our sacred hearts.
Auset Isis, most holy Goddess, you carry the power of alchemy. You are the sun and moon, earth and stars. Shelter us in your great wings as you weave a new world, a new way.
Goddess Neith, protect our black brothers and sisters from harm, bring swift justice to those who harm our black sisters and brothers, and bring comfort to the hearts of those suffering and in pain.
Maat, Please help us to bring justice and balance to our living world. Lift the suffering of all so that our hearts are as light as a feather.
Sekhmet, Golden One, protect us from plagues and terror. Stand with Maat in power and truth.
Mighty Sekhmet, we thank you for your healing powers, and ask you to send health, strength, and peace to all beings on this planet. Mother, giver of strength and aid, lend us your sword of protection to cut away all hate.
HwtHr Hathor, let your sacred love flow through all our hearts now, bringing us joy!
Inanna, thank you for demonstrating resurrection from the depths of shadow and returning to the light. Help us with strength and conviction to go into the unknown and return to consciousness.
Inanna, help us with your wisdom from the Underworld. Guide us forth from this time of grieving. Protect us as we find the path of justice and reclaim our balance.
Kamrusepas, heal us with sweetness.
Durga, protect your suffering children in the Black community from harm, give them strength and courage to live, bring swift justice where it is needed, and comfort the hearts of Black mothers in pain.
Dear Kali Maa, thank you for helping us as a collective to burn up hierarchies and violence in order to cocreate increased love, compassion, and justice for all sentient beings.
Kali Maa help us to move beyond our egos and physical differences so that we can begin to feel the oneness and the collective consciousness that we are as Humanity and as expressions of your Love.
Mother Kali...remove the veils of ignorance, reveal false leaders, and destroy unjust energies. Lift the obstacles within that keep us repeating cycles of pain. Slay the ego and the demon of fear so a new day can be born.
Kali Maa, help us summon our deepest power to face our darkest truths so that we may deconstruct injustice from the inside out.
Kali, thank you for your love and courage. Please help us create a world where all your children live in safety, truth, love and mutual respect.
Divine Lakshmi, goddess of loving kindness and abundance, drape our world with your love and light.
Tripura Sundari, thank you for sharing your beauty across the three realms. Please share the flow of your amrita from your Manidvipa (island of gems) and Sudha-sindhu (sea of nectar) so that it may heal and rejuvenate the three realms we exist in. Thank you. Om.
Bhuvaneshvari Devi, we love you and we thank you for your spacious grace, infinite acceptance and adoration of all that exists. Please hold us in your gracious acceptance and help us learn to surrender to your Infinite Shakti.
Great Goddess Matangi of the earth and fire, she who dances in the thunderstorm, please be with us as we rage for a new world. Let your power flow through our hearts and remove obstacles from our path. Please crush in your mighty hands the old systems that enslave us and lend us your motherly strength in building the New.
Tutu Pele, help us navigate this volcanic energy that destroys and creates.
Spider Woman, please help us to weave a web of lasting peace and justice for those who are oppressed.
Great White Buffalo Calf Woman who brings the peace pipe of unity and love, thank you for gifting us with the Sacred Pipe and unified prayer for harmonious oneness of mind, body & spirit. Mitakuye Oyasin...we are all related.
Ixchel, be with your people now. Soothe our souls and calm our hearts; bring light where there is shadow so that we may know peace.
Ixchel, Blessed Medicine Woman, give all beings unyielding clarity, connect us to our source, and bring divine healing to all bodies, minds and spirits.
Divine Mother Tara, remover of fears, liberator from disease, ender of suffering, bestower of good fortune, Tara Jigje Chenmo, great fierce one who completely destroys negativity, please help us to obliterate systemic racism and white supremacy. Elevated our black community. Shine on all sentient beings with joyful oneness light.
Beloved Tara, homage to you, who are the embodiment of giving, joyous effort, asceticism, pacification, patience, concentration, and all objects of practice. Venerable One, please grant guidance to all in this tumultuous time. May your strength & wisdom bring light & resolution to our ever evolving enlightenment.
Goddess Tara, she who hears the cries of the world, grant us invincible courage to stand against oppression in whatever form it may take, the ability to listen, and the strength to take effective action.
Mother Tara you vowed to stay until the end of time. You vowed to stay until all have been ferried across the ocean of suffering. Please guide us to peace on this planet Earth. As we are all connected please help us protect others as we all cry today. You who were born from the tears of the Lord Of Compassion. Please help us to find a way to peace and health for all beings everywhere without exception!
Quan Yin, we call upon you in your endless compassion. You who turned back from nirvana to move towards the cries of the suffering-- help us to use our spiritual realization in service to the healing and liberation of all. Give us the strength to turn towards and not away from those who are suffering. Grant us the Boundless love to make this possible.
Quan Yin, thank you for all the blessings that you have bestowed on us all. Show all of us the way to solving our problems.
Blessed Kuan Yin, fill our hearts with your grace that we may all pour love and healing into the world with every breath.
Kuan Yin, help us all heal our inner child so that we embrace ourselves with love and compassion, and become an overflowing source of love for everyone around us.
First-born Physis, Natura Protogeneia, begetter of all who were not begotten. All-parenting power, in vital impulse seen, eternal, moving, all-sagacious queen who, like swift descending streams, no respite knows. On an eternal hinge, with steady course, whirl with matchless, unremitting force.
Gaia, help us remember that the root of every life begins in your womb and ties us together as one expression among your many children.
Great Mother Gaia. Help us to live in the knowledge that we are all bound together by the blood in our veins and the water in our bodies, that we may raise our vibrations in love and harmony.
Gaia, thank you for this place that harbors endless diversity in the vastness of space. We are all a part of the web of life. What we do to one being we do to ourselves. Please lift up the songs of people of color. Their songs of joy and lament from the past, present, and future so each voice is heard. Empower the song to move us into taking the actions needed to rebuild every community based on equality.
Artemis, Lady of freedom from patriarchy, help us all to purify the pain and confusion of maligned masculine energies, give us courage to organize and create new leadership informed by women's wisdom and values for life, the people, and our Earth.
Blessed Artemis, send your arrows, dipped in LOVE and protect us and Nature from all hatred and harm.
Artemis, we thank you for the healing power of the forest where we run free.
Eileithyia, daughter of Hera ~ help us to let go of fear as we heal the trauma of patriarchal contractions. Guide our tumultuous human transformation as we scream ourselves open, birthing a more compassionate new world.
Hekate Hieros Pyr! Great Mother, keeper of the holy fire, may your torches light our way through this time of terror! May the fires of your sacred heart protect your dark-skinned children! May your righteous flames destroy the evil of white supremacy! Stand with us and burn this crumbling patriarchy to ash, that this phoenix heart of humanity may be reborn in peace and power.
Dictynna, help all those who are entangled in unjust nets, and let them be released into safety and peace and freedom.
Black Demeter, Mother, thank you for sanctuary when it is most needed.
Goddess Demeter, help divine justice flow. We thank you for your harvest blessings and beseech you to help your divine sustenance reach us during these difficult times.
Persephone, thank you for the strength and guidance to get us through this collective dark night of the soul.
Aphrodite, oh beloved Aphrodite, help us turn these waves of conflict into waves of change that sweep our world and bring about equality for people of colour, for women, for indigenous peoples and for all those that are oppressed. Aphrodite, may your enduring love give us strength to guide us through these times.
Athena may your acute wisdom penetrate the minds of those holding political power, bringing peace, security and justice to all those who are oppressed.
Lady of the Snakes, Goddess Queen of Knossos, fierce and brazen, please send us your inspiration to be bold against oppression, whether against us or our sisters and brothers.
Dear Venus. Thank you for your prosperous gifts of love, beauty and blessed fertility. May you grant victory to those that work tirelessly to create peace and justice for this nation.
Powerful Hecate, thank you for guiding the souls of the dead to the peace of the underworld.
Ataecina, Dark Lady of Iberia, help us mourn the deaths of those killed in violent acts and under the pain of illnesses. You, guider of the otherworldly barge, embrace our beloved dead ones until we meet again.
Bear Mother, help us to devour and digest what must become compost, and find nourishment in the medicine we need to protect the cubs. Mama bear, help us to find the right strength for this healing.
Sunna, bring strength, healing, and joyful empowerment to all people of color with your blazing rays of light and warmth.
Saulė, the goddess of the sun, thank you for shining your light, bringing us life, through your power. Let the rays of your light inspire us to take the right action at the right time. Help us shine your light into the darkest spots of ourselves. Help us transform and remind us that we are all in your light.
Oh wise and fierce Baba Yaga, help us to dissolve the fear, hatred and divisiveness we are seeing amongst our brothers and sisters. We humbly request clarity of vision, right action and your helping severing the ancestral cords of racism, hate and fear. May it all be healed.
Gentle Elen of the Ways, please guide us. May your pathways lead us to compassion, healing, justice, and love for all beings.
Rhiannon, beloved lady of the mystery, Great Queen, help us blossom in love, part the veils of separation so we may know our heart's true desire as directed action, and walk your path compassionately. Grant us your gentle wisdom in these troubled times.
Morrigan, Great Queen, help us to focus our righteous rage into meaningful action as we battle to bring forth equality and justice.
Great Mother, Morrigan, may you protect the innocent beings of all humankind. May your invincible shield keep the oppressed safe from harm and danger. With your swift and sharpest sword, shall evil be cut apart from those who wish to attack your children of this incarnation. May your magical modalities be fast to intervene and save the innocent from all malice and brutality. Protect us from wrongdoing in leadership.
Mighty Morrigan, Raven Queen, thank you for walking with us in the shadows, for helping us to fall deeper in love with one another through your fierce compassion, and may your devotion and service to truth guide your swift sword of justice.
Holy Brigid, thank you for your unquenchable flame. Heal all who feel this pain.
Brigid, illuminate our journey so that compassion for every living thing may awaken in us.
Brigid, please share your flame of love and healing with all.
Brigit, we pray you strengthen our love and we ask that you illuminate us so we can see more clearly the path forward.
Brigid with your flame burn away all that is impure and with your water heal us.
Sheela Na Gig, help us remember to take a breath, and calm our mind before taking action.
Blessed Cerridwen, please share with us your powers of transformation and compassion.
Cerridwen and your cauldron of knowledge and rebirth...the time for change is NOW! May you aid us in this time! Our brothers and sisters need protection! May the eyes of the ignorant be opened and all of their hateful ways be transformed!
Sophia, help us gain the wisdom needed for your people to live together and to learn from those who are different from ourselves. May we use this wisdom so our children will live in peace.
Holy Mother Mary, please remove all evil and looting from the hearts and streets of this world.
Mother Mary stretch your loving arms around all those who hate and melt their hearts, that we may have peace.
Mary, please bring us justice. Send love, protection, and comfort for us all.
Mother Mary, help us find our deepest sense of compassion and spread it far and wide.
Holy Mary, pray for the balm of peace to heal the hearts that hurt, the wisdom to guide the hand of the governing, and the grace to help others accept the changes that must come.
Blessed Mother, thank you for helping us move through this rebirthing process with your grace, tenderness, and compassion.
Mary, full of grace, thank you for the many beings who act as your hands in our earthly daily lives.
La Santa Maria Tonantzin de Guadalupe, Sacred Mother of all, thank you for your infinite presence as you guide us to dismantle the destructive systems of racism and patriarchy, for the benefit of all beings. Miraculous Mother, wise witness of the oppressed, help us to see our path of loving service in these desperate times. Open our hearts to embrace our differences. Tend our spirits to become resilient amidst the chaos. Hold us as we call out in fear. Companion us as we leave this world. Inspire us to reflect your grace in all that we do.
Mary Magdalene, thank you for your sacred divine feminine presence. Help us to heal deeply in our wombs and hearts, emerging and birthing our deepest manifestations and dreams.
Great Cosmic Mother, thank you for helping us see The Truth: that there is Only One of Us.
This prayer features the heartfelt petitions and gratitude of over 100 practitioners who came together in collaboration at the humble request of Tsogyal Lhamo Yeshe Matthews, priestess of the Mt Shasta Goddess Temple, on the 9th day of the month of Saga Dawa, in the year of the Iron Rat 2147 (2020). This prayer was composed during a time of great planetary change, with a plague that killed millions of people, uprisings against unjust governments and corporate agents of harm, unlawful and racist actions on the part of those sworn to protect humanity, a scourge of deadly bugs and weather patterns, a massive displacement that left millions homeless or trapped in the cages of despots, and the general unrest of degeneracy. Amidst our cries, may the Great Mother rebirth herself on Earth in our lifetimes, and bring healing and peace to this world. May all beings benefit.