Priestess & Sibyl Training 2024 — Mount Shasta Goddess Temple
Tsogyal Lhamo Drayang Ling

Letters from Priestess Yeshe

Notes & Updates

Priestess & Sibyl Training 2024

Rise, women, and open your hearts!
Let’s flood the world with our radiant love, magic, generosity,
and a vision of a healed future.

The hour has come to launch the Mt Shasta Goddess Temple’s 2-year training programs for 2024: Woman Shaman Priestess and Via Carmen Pythia! The Temple doors are open, and you are welcome to join our sisterhood of #smartwomendoingwonderfulthings

To be a Priestess or Sibyl is to be in service to the divine spark that is present in all moments, beings, and things. Our practice of recognizing, nourishing, and tending this sacred light helps us become the hands, voice, and heart of the Goddess. It’s our calling to provide support, presence, healing, wisdom, and compassion to those around us, and to be trusted to do so is a privilege and responsibility. During the next 2 years, we will work together to help you develop and evolve your unique path of service in such a way that it is natural to you, potent, and empowering for you and those you serve.

To begin in January 2024, here is the path:

1) If you have not yet done so, join the Mt Shasta Goddess Temple as a Mandala Member.

2) Schedule your Beeswax Divination. This session gives us an up-close-and-personal look at your life path, the destiny markers that you bring into your training, the strengths and challenges you will face during the journey, strategies to help you make the most of your experience, and an opportunity to receive any messages about your Priestesshood, past lives, or spirit guides that might be waiting in your cosmic Inbox.

3) Subscribe to your chosen program.

Once you have subscribed, you will be added to our Temple’s monthly Priestesses & Sibyl newsletter, and begin receiving your monthly written Lessons and the information about scheduling your one-on-one sessions.

Looking forward to the Goddess blessings of our work together, for the highest good of all. Together, we will make magic.

Priestess Yeshe Meryemana Matthews
Mt Shasta Goddess Temple

Yeshe Matthews