Tsogyal Lhamo Drayang Ling


Baba Yaga’s


Step Into the Chicken-Legged Hut…

Matryoshka is 4-week exploration of the many layers of Baba Yaga, the eternally-cycling Slavic emblem of Life, Death, & Rebirth. Baba Yaga is often depicted as the Crone, described in folkloric tales as a scary old Hag of magic and mischief, or as the Village Wisewoman of Knowledge and Initiation. She is both of these, and so much more.

As the enigmatic and powerful witch of Slavic folklore, Baba Yaga symbolizes women's empowerment and magic through the phases of life, through trial and tribulation. She embodies the untamed wild woman archetype, unbound by societal norms and deeply connected to the natural world. Baba Yaga's independence, wisdom, and command over life and death resonate with the strength and resilience inherent in women, particularly those reclaiming their spiritual heritage.

As a figure who defies patriarchal expectations and thrives in her own sovereignty, Baba Yaga inspires us to embrace our inner power, trust our intuition, and navigate the mysteries of spiritual practice with courage and autonomy. Her story encourages us to find our voices, take on intimidating or uncomfortable goals, explore the depths of our own magic, honor the cycles of seeding, flowering, fruiting, and decay, and assert our place in a world that often seeks to limit our potential.

Baba Yaga encompasses an archetypal pattern so powerful that it cannot be fully defined, only experienced. This class is for those who know that age is an illusion for a timeless spirit and that Mother Nature is both fierce and benevolent. It is for wild, wise women seeking to create very real change in their lives and communities through the power of their magic.

In this class, we will examine Baba Yaga’s liminality, symbolism, and unique soul alchemy by examining some of her sacred places, mythic arc, and narrative elements. We will interrogate the Maiden-Mother-Crone archetypal cycle, both redefining it and expanding our understanding of this paradigm. We will juxtapose this with principles of alchemy and navigate the possibilities that arise when we layer these frameworks.

This class will also have weekly hands-on, creative ceremonial activities that you can use to benefit yourself and others. In these simple but potent rituals of craft and creation, you will learn skills that you can use in a practical way when called upon to serve as the Wisewoman for another person, including protection talismans, divination, purification, and other spells that will help you and your family with health, success, and well-being.


There will be 4 classes on consecutive Saturdays at
12pm Pacific
1pm Mountain
2pm Central
3pm Eastern
8pm UK
9pm Europe

Classes will last 75 minutes, and you may attend Live or watch on replay, including:

Nov 9: Black Midnight. Baba Yaga as Witch, Crone, & Hag, investigating her underworld/otherworld aspects, and the creation of a Witch’s Bottle.

Nov 16: Bright Dawn. Vasilisa’s myth, investigating the Spring Maiden form of Baba Yaga, the Rusalki, and creating a purification spell.

Nov 23: Red Sun. Baba Yaga’s creative magic, fertility, and Initiation, methods of cultivating courage, and creation protection talismans.

Nov 30: The Golden Wheel. Baba Yaga’s alchemical power of regeneration, divination as a gateway to healing, and the use of beeswax and dolls in spells. Our last class will include an extended session in which we create a final ritual together to bless all of our tools and creations.

Class Supplies

Participant may register for the class only, or purchase the class plus a bundle of spell items, including:

  • Purification herbs

  • Red, white, & black salt

  • Tiny skulls

  • Red, white, & black beans

  • Candle with original Baba Yaga artwork by Devanna Wolf

  • Babushka scarf

  • Bottle with life everlasting flower, blue lotus, and obsidian chips

  • Bottle of Baba Yaga Winter Tincture

  • Beeswax candle

  • Red threads for a protection talisman

Supplies are limited, so register today to reserve your kit! Scroll down to purchase your seat in the class, then use the Cart Button at the top of this page to check out.

Matryoshka: Baba Yaga's Alchemical Daughters
from $49.00

Artwork: Baba Yaga at the Mott Cemetery by Devanna Wolf, The Wild Empress

Join the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple for a 4-week exploration of the many layers of Baba Yaga, the eternally-cycling Slavic emblem of Life, Death, & Rebirth.

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